Chapter 1

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(2011 Disney logo)

(2007 Walt Disney Animation Studios logo, 8-bit style)

"INSERT COIN" blinks on the menu screen of FIX-IT FELIX, JR. We hear a coin being deposited.


WRECK-IT RALPH goes to sleep inside his stump. A voice-over kicks in, sounding more like a confessional than a traditional V.O.

RALPH (V.O.): My name's Ralph, and I'm a Bad Guy.

A bulldozer moves Ralph and the stump to a dump. Ralph's head pops out of the stump.

RALPH (V.O.): Let's see...I'm 9 feet tall. I weigh 643 pounds. Got a little bit of a temper on me.

RALPH (ON-SCREEN): Hey, you moved my stump! ARRRGGHHHHHH!

The NICELAND APARTMENTS are constructed where the stump was.

RALPH (V.O.): My passion bubbles very near the surface, I guess. Not gonna lie. Anyhoo, what else?

Ralph appears on screen in front of the Niceland Apartments.

RALPH (V.O.): I'm a wrecker. I wreck things. Professionally.


Ralph starts wrecking the building, throwing a Icelander on his way up.

RALPH (V.O.): I mean, I'm very good at what I do. Probably the best I know. The thing is, fixing is the name of the game. Literally, "Fix-it Felix Jr."


FIX-IT FELIX arrives with a golden hammer and starts fixing.

FELIX: I can fix it!

RALPH (V.O.): So yeah, naturally the guy with the name Fix-it Felix is the good guy. He's nice enough as good guys go. Definitely fixes stuff really well. But if you've got a magic hammer from your father, how hard can it be--?


MARY pops up in a window with a pie. Felix eats the pie, and a flashy protective hard-hat appears on his head.

RALPH (V.O.): If he was a regular contractor, carpernter guy, I guarantee he would not be able to fix the damage that I do as quickly.

The damage is repaired. The screen reads "YOU FIXED IT!"

RALPH (V.O.): And when Felix does a good job, he gets a medal.

A Medal appears from behind the clouds and places itself around Felix's neck and a Nicelander gives him a peck on the cheek.

RALPH (V.O.): But are there medals for wrecking stuff really well? To that I say, "Ha!"

The Nicelanders pick up Ralph and thrown him off the roof.

RALPH: Ahhhhhhhh!

He lands on the ground in the mud. KER-PLUNK.

RALPH (V.O.): A-a-and no, there aren't.

We pull back from the game console. We're in


The place is bustling.


RALPH (V.O.): 30 years I've been doing this, and I've seen a lotta other games come and go. Kind of sad. I think about all those guys from Asteroids? Boom! Gone. Centipede? Who knows where that guy is, y'know? Hey, a steady arcade gig is nothing to sneeze at; I'm very lucky. It's just, I gotta say, it becomes kinda hard to love your job when no one seems to like you for doing it.


The arcade is older now, and all the other games are more modern. A giant first-person shooter game gets wheeled in. The arcade closes. The "Open" sign shuts off.

IN DDR: The dancer relaxes.

DANCER: All clear! The arcade's closed!


RYU: Shoryuken! Whoo! What a day. So, you want to head to Tapper's, Ken?

KEN: If you're buying, buddy.

BACK ON THE FIX-IT FELIX CONSOLE - Felix and the Nicelanders are on the roof.

FELIX: Quitting time!

We push through the game screen --


The game is now in toon 3D. Most everything is squared like pixels, being a game from the 80s. The Icelanders have jerky, snappy motions while Ralph and Felix have smooth and fluid movement.

RALPH (V.O.): I don't know. Maybe I wouldn't be feeling this way if things were different after work. But it is what it is.

FELIX: Good job, everyone!

RALPH (V.O.): Felix and the Nicelanders go hang out in their homes which he's just fixed, and everyone, you know...

Ralph picks himself up from the mud. He watches sadly as the Nicelanders ignore him and carry Felix to the penthouse.

RALPH (V.O.): They go to their homes, I go to mine which happens to be a dump. And when I say "a dump," I don't mean like a shabby place. I mean an actual dump, where the garbage goes and a bunch of bricks and smashed building parts, that's... That's what I call home.

Ralph climbs up the brick pile he calls home.

RALPH (V.O.): I guess I can't bellyache too much. I got my bricks, I got my stump.

He pummels the bricks into dust and pulls a pile of bricks over him like a blanket. He stares longingly at the building.

RALPH (V.O.): It looks uncomfortable. It's actually fine. I'm good. But, if I'm really honest with myself, I see Felix up there, getting patted on the back, people are giving him pie and thanking him and so happy to see him all the time.

RALPH'S POV: Through the penthouse windows, he can see Felix being ushered over by the Nicelanders over a hot pie.

RALPH (V.O.): Sometimes I think...

CLOSE ON RALPH: As he speaks out-loud.

RALPH: Man, it sure must be nice being the good guy.

Ralph sits in a room full of VIDEO GAME BAD GUYS. They all clap in response to Ralph's confession. A sign on the wall reads: "BadAnon: One Game at a Time."

CLYDE: Nice share, Ralph. As fellow Bad Guys, we've all felt what you're feeling and we've come to terms with it.

RALPH: Really?

ZANGIEF: Right here. I am Zangief. I am Bad Guy.

ALL: Hi, Zangief.

RALPH: Hi, Zangief.

ZANGIEF: I relate to you, Ralph. When I hit bottom, I was crushing man's skull like sparrow egg between my thighs. (smacking his thigh) And I think, "Why do you have to be so bad, Zangief? Why can't you be more like Good Guy?" Then I have moment of clarity. If Zangief is Good Guy, who'll crush man's skull like sparrow's egg between thighs? And I say, "Zangief, you are Bad Guy, but this does not mean you are 'bad' guy."

Claps of understanding.

RALPH: Right. I'm sorry. You lost me there.

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