Chapter 16

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RALPH: Felix?

SOUR BILL: I'm sorry! That's all I know, that's all I know, I swear! Now please, don't put me back in your filthy mouth again! (sobs)

Ralph sticks Sour Bill to a lollipop tree.

RALPH: Stick around.

SOUR BILL: Yes, okay. I will, I will. Thank you.

Ralph picked up the kart pieces on his way out.


Calhoun and Maddie patrol the area. Her scanner goes off. She pulls out her gun and she pulls out her sword and follows the beep.

CALHOUN: Come on, I know you're out there.

The signal suddenly drops out. She hits the tri-quarter, frustrated.

MADDIE: Ugh. Saccharine-saturated nightmare!

The tri-quarter suddenly goes off, loudly. Green dots fill the device's screen. She looks around on alert.

CALHOUN: But-- where --

The ground gives way and they tumble into --


They grab licorice roots to keep from falling into the nest below, full of glowing Cy-Bug eggs and candy-coated Cy-Bugs traveling in and out of long caverns.

MADDIE: (to herself) Doomsday and Armageddon just had a baby and it is ugly!


A frustrated Felix calls out the dungeon window.

FELIX: Hello? Hello? Somebody! Anybody! Please let me ouuuut!

He shakes the bars. One bar is loose.

FELIX: What's he say? (IMITATING RALPH) I'm gonna wreck it!

He hits the bars with his hammer. They fortify, stronger.

FELIX: (GROANS) Why do I fix everything I touch!? Oh! (SOBS)

RALPH (O.S.): Bam!

Suddenly, Ralph bursts through the wall.

RALPH: Felix!

FELIX: Ralph! (jumps up; hugs Ralph) I'm so glad to see you! Wait. (lets go) No, I'm not! What do you have to say for yourself?!


FELIX: Wait! I don't want to hear it. I'm not talking to you.

RALPH: Okay. Don't talk. That's fine. [dumps out a can full of the broken go-kart] But you have to fix this go-kart for me, pronto.

FELIX: I don't have to do boo! Forgive my potty mouth. I'm just cross with you! Do you have any idea what you've put me through?! I ran higgeldy-piggeldy all over creation looking for you. I almost drowned in chocolate milk mix! And then...I met my Maddie. Oh. She gives me the honey glows somethin' awful. But...she rebuffed my affections. And then, I GOT THROWN INTO JAIL!

RALPH: Felix, pull yourself together!

FELIX: No, Ralph! You have no idea what it's like to be rejected and treated like a criminal!

RALPH: Yes, I do. That's every day of my life.

FELIX: ...It is?

RALPH: Which is why I ran off and tried to be a Good Guy, but I'm not! I'm just a Bad Guy, and I need your help. There's a little girl whose only hope is this kart. Please, Felix, fix it! And I promise, I will never try to be Good again.

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