Chapter 5

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He looks at the top of the formidable building.

RALPH: So that's where they keep the medal, huh?


The moppet that had been playing Hero's Duty now walks up to a cheerful racing game called SUGAR RUSH. The marquee advertises: "New Racers Daily" and "Build your own kart." Two BIG KIDS are playing it.

MOPPET GIRL: Hmm. "New racers daily." Sweet! I got next game.

The moppet goes to put a quarter on the console. The Big Kid slides her quarter off with a whole roll of quarters.

BIG KID ONE: Go away, kid! We're gonna play all nine of today's racers.


MOPPET: Sorry.

The Moppet sighs, goes over to Fix-It Felix, Jr. instead.

INSIDE NICELAND: The intro music plays. Nicelanders take their positions. But Ralph does not, still being in Hero's Duty. A quote bubble pops up where he should be, reading: I'M GONNA WRECK IT!

BACK ON THE MOPPET: She looks confused.

MOPPET: Hmm. Where's the wrecking guy?


MARY: Where's Ralph? He should be wrecking the building.

GENE: Shh! Stick with the program.


NICELANDERS: Fix it, Felix!

FELIX: I can fix it!

He GASPS in shock to see there's nothing to fix, but quickly recovers and smiles for the gamer, tossing his hammer slightly.


FELIX: (through gritted teeth) Ralph! Quarter alert! Game on!

The moppet tries to play normally. Felix, unable to resist, follows with the girl's actions.

DEANNA: Do something, Felix!

FELIX: Just act natural. I'll fix it.


She freaks as the joystick moves on its own. Felix takes control, climbing down the building and waddling off screen.

FELIX: Ralph! Ralph!

MOPPET: What the???


FELIX: Ralph! RALPH!!!

Felix runs towards Ralph's garbage pile. Ralph's not there. Felix's reassuring face turns to concern.

FELIX: Oh, my land! Where is he?

BACK ON THE MOPPET: She's fed up.

MOPPET GIRL: Mr. Litwak!

LITWAK: What's the trouble, sweetheart?

MOPPET GIRL: The game's busted.

Mr. Litwak takes a look. He can see the Nicelanders panicking on screen while Felix tries to calm them down, and hears nonsensical computer chatter.

FELIX: I can fix it! I can fix it!

MR. LITWAK: Oh, boy. Looks like the game's gone cuckoo, like my nana. Sorry, sweetie. Here's your quarter back.

He gives her back a quarter.

MOPPET GIRL: But what about the game?

MR. LITWAK: I'll have someone look at it tomorrow, but if he can't fix it, it might be time to put old Ralph and Felix out to pasture. Like my nana.

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