Chapter 15

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Her eyes go down to his chest and she sees something.

VANELLOPE: Wait a minute.

She pulls the Medal of Heroes out of Ralph's pocket.


VANELLOPE: Where did you get this?

RALPH: Look, I'm going to be straight with you, kid. I've been talking to King Candy and Queen Pippa.

VANELLOPE: King Candy and Queen Pippa?

RALPH: Yeah.

VANELLOPE: You sold me out?

RALPH: No, I didn't... Listen. You don't understand.

VANELLOPE: No, I understand plenty. Traitor!

She throws the medal at him. It hits him in the face and falls to the ground. She jumps back in the kart.

RALPH: I'm not a traitor. Listen.

VANELLOPE: You're a rat! And I don't need you, and I can win the race on my own.

RALPH: But I'm trying to save your skin, kid!

Ralph grabs her and picks her up out of the kart. She glitches in anger.

VANELLOPE: Put me down! Let me go!

RALPH: No, you listen to me.

He sets her down. She immediately makes a dash for the kart. Ralph blocks her way. She struggles to get around him.

RALPH: Do you know what's going to happen when the players see you glitching? They'll think the game's broken.

VANELLOPE: I don't care! You're a liar!

RALPH: You better care, because if your game goes out of order...

VANELLOPE: I'm not listening to you!

RALPH: go down with the ship, little sister!

VANELLOPE: GET OUT OF MY WAY! I'm going to that race!

RALPH: No, you're not!

He hangs her by her hood on the edge of a pointy gumdrop.

VANELLOPE: Take me down from here, Ralph, right now!

RALPH: No. I'm doing this for your own good!

He goes over to the kart and clenches his fists. She struggles to get free, but can't.

VANELLOPE: Wait, wait, wait. No. No. No, no, no, no, no! Please, Ralph!

But he doesn't stop. He SLAMS his fists onto the kart.


Ralph destroys the cart. She breaks down crying. Then she glitches and lands on her palms and knees on the ground. Ralph turns to her.

VANELLOPE; (heartbroken) You really are a Bad Guy.

She runs sobbing into the mountain entrance. Ralph hangs his head. He sighs, then walks over and picks up his medal.

He starts down the road alone.


Ralph rides up on the tram, wearing his medal. It's awfully quiet. All the lights are out at the Niceland Apartments, but for a single light in the Penthouse.


The door hangs slightly open. Ralph pushes it the rest of the way and steps inside. The place looks like it's been looted.

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