Chapter 12

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BEARD PAPA: Hmm, cream puffs.

Beard Papa wakes with a start. He sees colored smoke puffing out of the factory stacks, then. Vanellope on the security camera. Beard Papa GASPS. He grabs his Red emergency phone.

BEARD PAPA: This is Beard Papa. The Glitch is in the bakery! Get me King Candy and Queen Pippa!

BACK INSIDE THE BAKERY: Ralph finishes writing "AND RALPH" in red frosting under "made by Vanellope" in turquoise. He stands back to admire their work. Ralph's smiling like a sap, the first time we've seen him smile.

VANELLOPE: Whoa. You have teeth? I've never seen you smile before.

RALPH: I'm not smiling. I'm gassy, okay?

They start to crack up, when:

KING CANDY (O.S.): Hold it right there, Glitch!

King Candy, Queen Pippa, Wynnchel, and Duncan drive in. King Candy and Queen Pippa see Ralph and GASPS in shock!

QUEEN PIPPA (seeing Ralph): And Wreck-it Ralph?!

RALPH: Uh-oh.

Ralph aims the pastry bag at King Candy, Queen Pippa, and the donuts and sprays them in the face, temporarily blinding them.

RALPH: Start the kart!

Ralph throws Vanellope in the driver's seat of her kart and hops on the back.

RALPH: Start the kart!

She hovers her hand over the buttons and knobs.

RALPH: What are you waiting for?! C'mon, let's go!

VANELLOPE: I, ah, don't know how to drive a real kart.

RALPH: You don't what?

Duncan looks at King Candy and Queen Pippa, concerned.

DUNCAN: Are you two hurt, Sire and Queen?

KING CANDY: No, he just glazed me. Ho-ho-ho-ho. Get them!

RALPH: Gang way!

Ralph pushes off the floor with his hands. The kart takes off.


Ralph and Vanellope burst right through the wall. Ralph hand-pedals the ground faster. They catch a downhill and pick up speed, breaking the toll booth poll, which incidentally was double-stripped. King Candy, Queen Pippa, and the donuts are hot on their trail.

QUEEN PIPPA: Stop in the name of the queen; that's me!

VANELLOPE: Get off the road!

Ralph digs into the ground and takes a tight turn. The CLAW swat truck over-shoots and goes tumbling.

VANELLOPE: Head for Diet Cola Mountain!

A huge Coke-bottle shaped mountain towers above the horizon. They take a fork in the road.

VANELLOPE: Drive into the wall!

RALPH: What?!

VANELLOPE: Right there, between the two sugar-free lollipops!

RALPH: Are you crazy?!

VANELLOPE: Just do it!

Ralph aims the kart at the mountain head on! And just as we brace for impact, Ralph, Vanellope, and the kart hit the mountain wall, pixelate, and disappear.


Ralph and Vanellope come sweeping into a Dali-esque world of half-built game props. They CRASH. The kart ends up vertical against a rock, front wheels spinning. Ralph tumbles out.

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