Chapter 3

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RALPH: (bursting in) Hey-o, everybody! Oh!

Ralph's head slams into the ceiling.


A large chunks falls down on Felix and he drops DEAD. Everyone GASPS in horror. A little flower floats above Felix, and we hear a quick cycle of DEATH MUSIC.

Felix suddenly regenerates next to Ralph.

FELIX: I'm okay. I'm okay. Fit as a fiddle.

The guests all exhale in relief.

FELIX: Now, you all know Ralph.

RALPH: Evening-

Ralph breaks the stairs with a single step.

RALPH: Evening, Nell, Lucy, Don, Dana...

DEANNA: Deanna...

RALPH: Big Gene!

GENE: Why is he here???

FELIX: He's just here for a slice of cake.

RALPH: And I'm a big part of the game, technically speaking. Why are you here, Gene?

Ralph bends down and he and Gene face off. Felix steps between them, breaking it up.

FELIX: Oh, look! The cake!

Mary wheels out an elaborate cake of the Niceland apartment building, complete with "We Love Felix" candy fireworks.

FELIX: Well, I'll be dipped. You've really outdone yourself, Mary.

NORWOOD: Oh, and look! There's all of us at the top.

A little Felix stands on the roof, reaching for a medal, surrounded lovingly by Nicelanders. But there's no sign of Ralph.

MARY: Each apartment is everyone's favorite flavor. Norwood's is red velvet.

NORWOOD: Guilty!

MARY: And lemon for Lucy, rum cake for Gene, and for Felix...

Ralph looks for his figurine, and finds himself in the mud, looking like some sort of deranged troll. His face sinks.

RALPH: Hey, Mary. Um... What's the flavor of that mud that I'm stuck in there?

MARY: Hmm? Oh. Uh, chocolate.

RALPH: I've never been real fond of chocolate.

MARY: Well, I did not know that.

RALPH: One other little thing. I hate to be picky, but, y'know, this angry little guy here...

Ralph picks up the little Ralph figurine.

MARY: My cake!

RALPH: ...might be a lot happier if you put him up here with everyone else.

He puts him on the roof, smooshing the cake a little. Ralph pushes an ugly smile onto his figurine's face.

RALPH: See that? Look at that smile.

GENE: No, no, no. You see, Ralph, there's no room for you up here.

Gene knocks Little Ralph back into the mud.

RALPH: Well, what about this? We can make room. Here. We could take turns. Easy.

Ralph puts Little Ralph back on top of the cake and places Little Felix into the mud instead. The Nicelanders GASP.

FELIX: How about we just eat the cake!

GENE: Hang on. Felix needs to be on the roof because he's about to get his medal!

RALPH: Well, how about we just take that medal and give it to Ralph for once?

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