Chapter 18

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Small pieces break off the giant stalactite and land in the hot cola beneath. Bright glowing geysers shoot up all around.

BACK ON THE CRATER: Ralph gives it all he's got. The crater cracks all around. He prepares for a final blow.

RALPH: One more! One...

SLAM! Ralph is knocked aside by what we assume is a Cy-Bug.

He slams hard into the rim of the mountain. He shakes it off, as we hear a familiar sinister LAUGH.

TURBO (O.S.): Welcome to the boss level!

Ralph looks up to see he is face-to-face with a giant, monstrous King Candy Turbo Cy-bug mash up.

RALPH: (stunned) Turbo.

KC TURBO BUG: (LAUGHS MANIACALLY) Because of you, Ralph, I'm now the most powerful virus in the arcade! I can take over any game I want. I should thank you, but it'd be more fun to kill you.

Turbo lunges at him. Ralph rolls past him.

KC TURBO BUG: Get back here, little guy!

Turbo diverts Ralph with his Cy-Bug feet, then as Ralph tries to slam the Mentos..

KC TURBO BUG: Have some candy!

...Turbo swipes him with his tail.

Ralph gets to his feet and dives for the crater.

KC TURBO BUG: Where do you think you're going?

Ralph slides under Turbo and throws him aside, but Turbo rolls towards him and catches him by his feet.

KC TURBO BUG: I'm not through with you yet. Up we go!

They fly up into the sky.



Calhoun and Maddie struggle to fight off the cy-bugs as they swarm the exit. Felix pushes Vanellope behind him protectively.


Calhoun runs out of Ammunition. She resorts to swatting away bugs with the butt of her gun, but they close in.

CALHOUN: Fall back.


RALPH: (looking on) Kid!

Calhoun, Maddie, and Felix fall back through the exit. Vanellope stands before the bugs, alone.

RALPH: Vanellope!

KC TURBO BUG: Oh, look at that. It's your little friend. Let's watch her die together, shall we?


Ralph looks down at Vanellope, then looks to his goal, the volcano now far enough below him to slam down all the Mentos.

KC TURBO BUG: It's game over for both of you.

RALPH: (determined) No. Just for me!

Ralph breaks free from Turbo's grasp and free falls.

BACK ON THE RAINBOW: Vanellope sees Ralph falling from such a great height.


FELIX: Vanellope!

A Cy-Bug closes in on her. She glitches and lands on top of the Cy-Bug. She glitches again and again, bouncing off Cy-Bugs towards the mountain.

BACK IN THE AIR: Ralph extends his fist downward to the Mentos, but is unable to keep steady, knowing full well that the cola will kill him.

RALPH: (reciting the BA affirmation) I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad.

Vanellope's medal slips out of his shirt. He grabs onto it and hugs it to his chest.

RALPH: There's no one I'd rather be......than me.

The medal gives him strength as he slams his fists down on the volcano's Mentos crater. The top of the mountain explodes, and the stalactites fall towards the broiling hot diet cola. Ralph falls with them. This is it. He's gonna die a hero.

Suddenly, Vanellope rides up the side ramp in Crumbelina's kart. She makes the big jump and catches Ralph on the hood of her kart.


VANELLOPE: Don't worry. I got it under control.

She glitches through the side of the mountain just as the hot springs erupt and shoot upwards in a shining geyser. The Cy-Bugs instinctively stop fighting. They turn and fly towards the geyser's bright light. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!

Up in the air, Turbo looks around at the other bugs.

KC TURBO BUG: You fools! Why are you going into the ligh...

Turbo looks at the light and his eyes suddenly bulge like an entranced Cy-Bug. He flies towards the light.

KC TURBO BUG: (CHUCKLES) No! No, no, no. Yes... No! Yes... No! Go into the light!

He flies right into the light and is zapped. Ralph and Vanellope crash land in the chocolate river, safe.

RALPH: Whoa! Chocolate? (LAUGHS) It's chocolate! I love chocolate!


RALPH: Oh, beautiful chocolate!


Felix, Maddie, and Calhoun see it all from the rainbow.

FELIX: (joyous) Haha! You did it, Ralph! Oh, way to go, brother!

He laughs for joy. Felix hops up and gives Maddie an 8-bit-kiss on her cheek. She looks at him like she's going to kill him and yanks him up by his collars to her eye level.

FELIX: I... Excuse...

She slams her lips on his. It's worth a million points.


Felix puts the finishing touches on the finish line.

FELIX: All fixed.

RALPH: You ready for this?

VANELLOPE: As ready as I'll ever be.

Ralph gives Vanellope a push. She rolls across the line. Sparkles flicker everywhere. Vanellope rises up out of her kart, into the air, and twirls.

VANELLOPE: Whoa! What's with all the magic sparkles?


The threads flicker. Vanellope's lonely box is suddenly attached to the giant web by dozens of threads.

BACK ON THE TRACK: A beautiful blush-colored princess gown forms on her body. A crown appears on her head, and a wand in her hand. Her feet touch the ground, and the landscape resets to its original beauty. The citizens of Sugar Rush flood back into the game in amazement and the real King Candy appears.

IN THE CODE ROOM: The royal box bursts open, freeing the memories of citizens, royalty, and racers.

The faces of her citizens brighten as they remember, too. Sour Bill returns, a candy tree limb stuck to his back.

SOUR BILL: Now I remember. All hail the rightful rulers of Sugar Rush: King Candy, Queen Pippa, and Princess Vanellope.

TAFFYTA: (gasps) I remember! She's our princess!

CANDLEHEAD: Oh, that's right!

TAFFYTA: We are so sorry about the way we treated you!

RANCIS: Yeah, those were, uh, jokes!

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