Chapter 6

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The egg hatches to reveal an adorable baby Cy-Bug.

GENERAL HOLOGRAM: The living embodiment of all this corps represents..


The baby bug attacks him. As Ralph fumbles, every egg he touches glows green. All he does is the exact opposite of what the hologram says:

GENERAL HOLOGRAM: Bravery. Integrity. Grace under pressure. And above all, dignity.

Ralph stumbles around, flies back and into one of the space pods. A harness immediately locks him in place. The door slams shut.

FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Escape pod activated.

The engine fires and then BOOM! The space pod bursts out of the top of the building and zooms away.

INSIDE THE POD: Ralph struggles to pull the Cy-Bug off him.

RALPH: (struggling) Get off my face!

KOHUT: Incoming!

In slomo, the pod flies right by Calhoun and Felix. As it passes by, Calhoun sees the Cy-Bug on Ralph's face.

FELIX: Ralph!


The pod flies out of the game through the tunnel to Game Central.


Ralph's pod blasts into the terminal, spiralling like an out-of-control bottle rocket off the floor and walls. The pod launches into the tunnel of another game. Ralph tries to pry the bug off of his face. POP! It lets go.

RALPH: A-ha!

But then the bug starts to grow, fast.

RALPH: Oh, no!

The blackness of the tunnel turns pink.


The pod slips out of a giant chocolate-dipped cone with sprinkles and flies through cotton candy clouds. Some of the candy is sucked through the vent, shorting out an engine. The pod flies through more cotton candy, then dives under a layer of brown liquid candy, and crashes through a forest of peppermint stick trees. It comes to a halt at the edge of a cliff, and Ralph and the Cy-Bug slam against the dash.

Something beeps. It's the EJECT button!

Ralph and the Cy-Bug are catapulted out of the ship. Ralph is flung into a tree. The Cy-Bug continues on and slams into a nearby tree. It falls into a taffy pool and sinks as if dead.

RALPH: Sayonara, sucker!

From the red and white stripped tree top, Ralph turns to see the vast, colorful land of candy before him.

RALPH: Sugar Rush?

A huge SUGAR RUSH sign glistens. Dessert go-karts whizz across a red candy curvy race track.

RALPH: Oh, no! This is that candy go-cart game over by the Whac-A-Mole. I gotta get out of here.

He wipes the stickiness off on his shirt and realizes that his medal is gone.

RALPH: Oh, no! My medal! (Stutters)

He spots the medal dangling from the highest branch of another peppermint tree.

RALPH: No, no, no, no, my medal!

Ralph quickly climbs down the tree as it shakes from his weight.


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