Chapter 8

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SOUR BILL (O.S.):  (flat, sad voice) Citizens of Sugar Rush...

VANELLOPE: Just in time!

SOUR BILL: All hail our rightful rulers, King Candy and Queen Pippa.

Up in the tallest box, a curtain opens and KING CANDY with his Ed-Wynn-like mug and style, jumps out and Pippa comes out.

KING CANDY: Hello, my loyal subjects! Ha-ha! Have some candy!

King Candy and Queen Pippa throw handfuls of candy into the crowd.

QUEEN PIPPA: Thank you for that stirring introduction, Sour Bill.

SOUR BILL: Mmmmhmmm.

KING CANDY (over microphone): And thank you to today's avatars. It was a wonderful day of racing, it was. But now the arcade is closed, so it's time to wipe the slate clean and race to decide our new roster.

ON THE TRACK: We scan across the racers standing proud in all their candy racing gear as King Candy and Queen Pippa explain the rules.

QUEEN PIPPA (over microphone): The first nine racers across that finish line will represent Sugar Rush as tomorrow's avatars!


KING CANDY (over microphone): Yes, okay. Calm down. Listen, this event is pay-to-play. We all know this. The fee to compete is one gold coin from your previous winnings, if you've ever won, which (CHUCKLES) I have. Let me go first!

King Candy and Queen Pippa pull a lever and tosses their coins onto a red lollipop which flips it into the huge cup. King Candy's and Queen Pippa's names appears on a CONTESTANT board.

ANNOUNCER (O.S.): King Candy and Queen Pippa!

King Candy and Queen Pippa leap into the air with a flourish and poses. The crowd goes wild!

The blonde girl tosses up her coin. We follow it and watch it land in the cup, where it turns into game code and then disappears into an abyss.

ANNOUNCER (O.S.): Taffyta Muttonfudge!

Taffyta does her signature leap and pose in the air and gives the fans her catch-phrase.

TAFFYTA: Stay sweet!

More kids throw in their coins as Vanellope pushes her covered kart to the starting line.

ANNOUNCER (O.S.): Adorabeezle Winterpop! Gloyd Orangeboar!

Vanellope scurries up to the back of the line.

ANNOUNCER (V.O.): Crumbelina Di Caramello!

ON RALPH: Ralph, covered in taffy, trudges his way towards the race track.

RALPH: Little stealer. Wait 'till I catch that brat.

BACK AT THE TRACK: Racers continue throwing their coins into the cup.

ANNOUNCER: Minty Zaki! Snowanna Rainbeaux! Rancis Fluggerbutter! Jubileena Bing-Bing! Swizzle Malarkey! Candlehead!

It's Vanellope's turn. She kisses the Medal of Heroes and throws it. It bounces around the rims of the cup while she stares at the leaderboard, grimmacing.

QUEEN PIPPA: Sour Bill, who's that last one?

The medal drops into the cup, swirls inside it, turns into game code, and disappears into the abyss.

A new racer appears on the board:

ANNOUNCER (O.S.): Vanellope Von Schweetz!

The crowd gasps in horror.

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