Chapter 1: The Club

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Dior's POV:

"That's it Tye, I'm not doing this shit with you anymore!" I screamed. "Baby I told you I was sorry". Tyre had his hands up. "You say that all the time. I'm ju- uugh get the fuck out my house!" I said while throwing a glass plate at him.

He blocked it of course. He always had fast reflexes. "Baby I- But before he could finish his sentence I jumped on him and started rocking his shit. Punching him and punching him. "How could you do this to me?" I said while crying and punching. He had his hands up the whole time.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he said over and over again. He was much stronger than me so he pushed me off of him real hard causing me to hit the ground. He got up. "I'll be back" He said with a smirk.

The door closed behind him when he left. I just laid there lifeless on the floor. I was thinking about how no matter how much I loved that nigga, he wouldn't stop fucking other bitches. Me and Tye had been together for a year, but today he broke that record.

I know what your thinking. Why keep going back? Well that's the thing... I loved him that much.

After minutes passed, I got up to clean the mess I made. After that I went into my bathroom and ran me a hot bath. SUPER HOT WITH BUBBLES. As I let the tub fill I went into the kitchen to fix me a glass of wine. Yeah I was gonna bathe like those women who had just broke up with there boyfriends of thirty years in those movies.

I took all my clothes off and hopped in the tub. The water felt so good on my body. The bubbles smelled like cotton candy mixed with a hint of sexy girl magic, my favorite perfume. I sprayed some of that before I got in. I layer back and closed my eyes.

After my bath, I got out of the tub and put my cutest lingerie on. I know I don't have a man to show it off to now but why not? I plopped on my bed and as soon as I did that my phone rung.

"Heyy bitchhh!" My bestie Hennessy said with her face all up in the camera. "Hey" I said with a sigh. "What's wrong bookie? Was is it Tye again? I told you his ass wasn't shit!" That's crazy my own best friend told me he wasn't nothin but I still didn't listen.

Rolling my eyes I said, "Yeah, but this time the girl's name was Erianna". "Oh un unt. You mean that girl from the block party? I heard her pussy stank". She held her nose and scrunched her face.

"Omg". I laughed. Henny never failed to make me laugh in sad moments.

"Well girl, you I always say.. if he wanted to be with you h- "He would", I cut her off. We both laughed at how in sync we were. "Well glad you know shit. Anyways how bout we go to this party tomorrow night, you know to get your mind off things", she said with her hands on her face.

"Oh no! Henny, I literally just got cheated on again and broke up with my boyfriend. Hell na I ain't goin to no club". "Com'monnnn, you'll have soooo much fun. JP's gonna be thereee", she said with a smirk.

JP was my old high school crush. He was the finest nigga I knew. He was tall and had tattoos that his mom let him get when he turned 16 which I though was sooo cool. He was a thug and I like that shit. He ain't never let no nigga cross him.

"Bitch I don't give a fuck if Jesus himself was there, I'm not going", I shrugged. "Ughh you such a party pooper. And to think I was gonna try to get you into Toosii's booth". I looked over. "Toosii? Like THE Toosii?" "Yeah, who the fuck else".

That bitch know I love me some Toosii...

"Fine", I rolled my eyes. "I'll go. But only to see Toosii." "Yayyyy", she said. "Yeah whatever goodnight", I rolled my eyes and hung up.
The next night at the party 12:00 AM

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