Chapter 9: Decisions

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Dior's POV:

That night on the call with 50, I couldn't pull myself together to give him the information he begged for about Tyre. I just told him I need time to clear my head about everything because it was too much.

"Alright, I understand" I could hear him sighing over the phone. I hung up and turned my phone over on my lamp stand. I got up to go take a hot shower because I hadn't had one of those deep showers in a while.

Those showers where I just think about a whole bunch of stuff at one time without trying to make a solution. It allows me to be with my own thoughts.

I walked in the bathroom and relit a few of the old candles I had. One was called cherry blossom and the other was called cremé. They are both my favorite smells. Like if I saw them on sale somewhere, I would not leave the store without buying them.

After lighting my candles, I took off my crop top and bottoms, put in my shower cap, and got into the shower. It was steaming just how I wanted it. The water felt good oozing through my creases. I couldn't help but clinch my toes.

I closed my eyes and immediately started thinking about Kari. When was he going to wake up? God knew better than to take him away from me. But why did it have to be him though?

I just let my thoughts bleed into my brain. I continued to wash myself and proceeded out of the shower. I dried myself off and lotioned up. After that I put on this pink pajama set I found on shein. I had been dying to wear it.

I walked back to my bedroom while dragging my feet across the floor finally falling on to my bed. I was glad to be there.
The next day...

Today, I guess you could say I was more mentally prepared to go on this shopping trip with Berkeley than I was when he told me we were going.

I had on a graphic Selena t-shirt that was black, matching sweats, and black converses. For my arm candy, I had to bring out the Tote bag because why not?

My phone had rung and it was Berkeley saying that he was outside. "Kk! I'll be there in a minute". I finished putting my necklace on, put a few dabs of perfume on and dipped.

I came downstairs and saw a black Cadillac truck parked in the front, with a man dressed in all black and a chain dangling in front of him saying "Trusion". He was standing there with his arms crossed below him.

I came closer to the car because I assumed it was for me. As I was walking towards the car, the back window rolled down showcasing Berkeley and his pearly whites. I smiled back.

"Wassup ma" he said. "Hey Berkeley" I waved. "Pleaseee, just call me B. Hop in". The tough guys opened the door for me to get in and as soon as I did the door closed behind me.

The interior of the car was almost the same as Kari's lambo. They had the same ceiling sparkles. My eyes kind of watered thinking about it but my thoughts were interrupted by Berkeley saying, "So you ready for this lil spree?" "Of course! Thank you again for this you really didn't have to" I shrugged. "Naa" he waved me off. "Remember I told you, I had to do this. You my lil homie girl and remember he like a son to me. I take care of mines and there's".

I smiled. That was really sweet of Berkeley to treat Kari like his own. Even though the business they were handling is bad, there still family regardless.

"So ah, what you wanna listen to?" He sat up. "Hmm, I don't know" I laughed and shrugged. "You got any favorite artists or sum?" My eyes lit up when he said that, because I knew exactly who that was. He turned and looked at me. "I assume that's a yes" he laughed.

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