Chapter 19: Please

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Dior's POV
"WHERE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!" I heard Henny screaming from the hall. Kari got up from my side and went to open the door. He yanked her inside.

"Aye nigga shut the fuck up" he whispered. "This a fuckin hospital". "Nigga get the fuck out my face" she mushed his head and ran by my side.

"Ooooo how ya doin baby?" She asked slightly smiling.
I laughed. "Fine". "What they say?" She asked. "Well, besides all the bruises and stuff, she has a small swell in her brain that's healing and a tear in her stomach" Kari said.

Henny held my hand. "Well, do you feel ok?" "Yeah, I feel fine. It's almost like nothing happened" I shrugged. Henny looked at Kari.

She pulled him to the side and whispered, "Please tell me you handled it". "Fasho" he answered. "She gone be staying with me from now on". Henny nodded.

"Henny? Did you find out about the baby's father?" I asked. "Yeah actually" she scratched her head. "It's 50". "Awww, I'm happy for you two" I said.

Kari rolled his eyes. Granted the fact that he was still kind of upset about the whole situation.

"So when's the baby shower?" I asked. "Well I was waiting until you got fully better" she said. "Fuck that" I laughed. "I'm better! Let's get to planning now" i said sitting up in my bed letting out a little groan.

"Woah, slow down mama. You still have a couple more days to be in here" Kari said. I shrugged. Kari stale faced me. "Ughh fine. I guess I'll be in here for a little bit longer but that doesn't mean I won't be able to help plan" I said looking at Henny.

"Take your time baby. I'm not in a rush. Trust me" she said. We all shared a laugh.
A couple of months later...
"I'm so excited for Henny's shower tomorrow!" I told Kari who was playing on the game. "Uhh yeah baby, allat allat. NIGGA WHAT THE FUCK!!" He said.

I laughed. For some reason I like when he gets mad at the game. I think it's funny. "MAN SUCK MY FUCKIN DICK!!" He yelled. "Uhh sir, watch ya mouth" I looked over and said.

He turned around, "My bad bae". He turned back around. "Man I gotta get off. Y'all den got me in trouble with my girl". He took off his headset and climbed in the bed with me.

He rapped his arms around my waist and started pecking my neck. "You hungry?" He asked. "No" I responded. "I am" he said kissing all over me. His hands started moving closer to my poom poom.

"Mm, Kari stop" I nudged him a little off of me. "What? What's wrong baby?" He asked. I looked at him, hoping he would get the hint.

"Oh" he leaned back. "I'm sorry, I just thought- i interrupted him "I was ready. I know. I'm sorry, I just need a little more time" I said. "Yeah baby, I understand. I'm sorry" he said hugging me.

Being in Kari's warm embrace made me feel safe. I hadn't been able to get through with all the touchy feely stuff since I've gotten out of the hospital. It's just been super hard. Me and Kari hadn't had sex in months.

I almost feel kind of bad not being able to give my man what he wants but, he wants me to do what's best for me.

After that tight hug I started to feel a slight dizziness rush over me. I mean it just came out of no where. "Aye ma, you good?" Kari said. "I uhh- I ran to the bathroom with my mouth covered.

I went straight for the toilet and threw up. I couldn't really process what was happening or why I was feeling like this. Kari rushed over to me leaning down and rubbing my back. "It's ok baby, let it out" he said.

Pleaseee god don't be what I think this is...
2 days later...
I found myself at the doctor's office. I guess you could tell what I was here for. "Please, please, please don't be pregnant" I mumbled to myself.

To be honest, I don't mind having a baby just by the right guy. And by right guy I meant Jakari. If I am pregnant, I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean the biological father is dead so.

"Ms.Le'Nae" the nurse called. "Yes, that's me" I responded. "Follow me please". I followed her to the room where I was to be checked.

"Ok Ms.Le'Nae, I'm going to be checking your blood pressure, temperature, and vitals to make sure they are all normal then the doctor will come in and see you" she smiled. "Ok" I said.

She checked all the things she needed to check and later left. As I waited for the doctor, I was so nervous. Why did this have to happen to me? What would happen if I was pregnant and had to tell Kari?

My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor coming in. "Hello Ms.Le'Nae" she greeted me with a smile. "Hi" I nervously said. "I'm doctor Taylor. Now, I understand that your nervous and that's ok. I get a lot of nervous soon to be moms.

Soon to be mom? Pshh bitch please. Over my dead body. I guess my facial expression told her everything because she instantly changed her statement. "I mean, we don't know fully yet so there is a possibility you could not be pregnant" she shrugged.

I slightly smiled. "Ok well let's get started. Oh and I also wanted to let you know that your results will not get in until tomorrow. Our systems are kind of slow right now".

"Systems? Don't I have to just pee on a stick?" I asked. "Well, to get more accurate results we use more high tech stuff" she said. "Oh ok".

"Now, go ahead and pee in this cup for me and then after your done come to this department so we can take some blood" she said.

"Ok" I grabbed the cup from her and took a deep breath. Here we go...
"Yeah and so they said I won't get the results back until tomorrow" I said to Kari on the phone. "Fasho. You feelin alright though ma?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy". "Then you shouldn't be driving. I knew I shouldn't have listened to you and just went with you" he said. "And I told you I was fine".

He smacked his lips. "Man whatever, just get yo sexy ass home. I'm missing you on sum bad". I smiled.

"Aye ma?" He asked. "Yeah baby?" I responded. "Regardless if your pregnant or not, imma still be here for you and the baby" he confessed. "Thank you bae. That really means a lot".

"Fasho. Now hurry and come back" he groaned. "I'm pulling up" I laughed. "Yaayyyy". "Boy bye" I said hanging up.

As I was pulling into the drive way of Kari's house, I couldn't help but pray that the results come out negative. I couldn't have a baby by my ex that rapped me. How was I gonna tell my child that story? And I know it would just crush Kari.

Just please god make a way...
Welp, we're reaching the end of a umm what they call it ? Idk I forgot🤷🏾‍♀️ but y'all get what I'm saying. I just really hope Dior's not pregnant. That would like ruin everything 🤭
Stay tuned...

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