Chapter 18: Forver

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Jakari's POV:
"Tonight's the night boysssss" I said waving my gun around, sticking my head out of the window, while 50 drove on the dark streets.

Tonight was the night I was finna get my girl back from that ugly ass nigga KD. I missed her very much. I mean who wouldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about what could possibly be happening to her right now or did.

A few minutes later..

"We're here boss" 50 said pulling up to the soon to be crime scene. I was on go as soon as I got of the car. The others followed up close behind me as we were surrounding the corners of the place.

"Aye, over there" I gestured to Bam to stand by the door and wait on command. The boys knew what to do.

"On 3. 1..2..3". I busted the door open seeing Dior strapped tightly to a chair, passed out in the middle of the room. I quickly ran over to her.

"Baby? Baby wake up. Can you hear me mama?" I asked slightly tapping her face, hopping that she would wake up. She looked tired and beat down. I didn't even notice all of the blood that she was loosing. I was more worried about getting her out of there fast before shit went down.

"Mmm" she groaned. "Kari?" She asked in confusion. "Yeah baby. It's me. I'm here to come get you outta here" I said.

I quickly went around to the back of her chair to analyze the thick ropes tied around her. I took out my knife and as I was cutting the ropes, I heard a shot go off.

"FUCK!" I heard a voice say. I looked over at Trent still quickly cutting the ropes of an unconscious Dior. I nodded for him to go see what it was because by that time I had picked up Dior to get her out.

Behind me, I could just hear all types of shots ringing out. I wasn't worried though, because I knew my boys were getting the job done. Plus, I recognize the sound of my guns from anywhere.

I carried her to the jeep. I opened the door and put her in the backseat. I analyzed her body and saw mad scratches, bruises, and blood EVERYWHERE. "Fuck baby. What did they do to you?" I grabbed her face hopping she would just say something....anything.

I was interrupted by Slim running out of the building saying, "WE GOTTA GO BOSS!!" "Naa. I gotta handle something first" I said while closing the back door to the jeep. Stay in here with her, all of you.

"But boss you can't just- I cut 50 off. "I can do whatever the fuck I want. This nigga bout to die....tonight".

A mug was rested on my face as I grabbed my gun and walked back into the building.

As I walked back KD was already waiting for me. "Gah damn it nigga. You done killed all my niggas" he said looking around with a gun in his hand.

I shrugged. "Whatever, they were useless anyway". Ignoring his antics I said, "I thought I fucking killed you?" "Well obviously not nigga, I'm standing right fucking here" he laughed.

I stood there just blankly staring at him. "Ooo JAKARIII BOIII. I have a surprise fa you. Wanna see?"
I mugged him.

"TY!! COME THE FUCK OUT MA NIGGA!!" My eyes furrowed as Tyree came out with a gun in his hand also. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I swear I killed that nigga, I mean I literally watched him die.

"Awww. Look at his face". KD laughed. "Yeah, he speechless" tyree replied. "Ha yeah. He definitely gone be speechless once he hear about the ride you gave his bitch".

"The fuck you say nigga!?!" I yelled. At that point I pointed the gun at the both of them. They pointed theirs back. "You heard what the fuck he said" tyree added on.

"That pussy sho was good. I see why you fell fa ha ass" he laughed. That bitch ass nigga. "Oh and don't even get me started on the nu- I interrupted him, "SAY ONE MORE THING BITCH ASS NIGGA!!"

"Or what? You gone shoot?" KD asked. "Naa, but I'll have a bullet in ya daughter and baby mama's head before you could even blink".

"The fuck you say nigga?!" He said. "You heard me bitch" I mugged. "I got people there right now just waiting on my word". "How the fuck you even knew I had a- I interrupted, "KD, you keep forgetting who the fuck I am nigga. I'm the top dog of all dogs. I'm the one who started this shit. THE REAL KING PIN NIGGA. People put they trust in me for a reason and the fact that you thought you could get away with the shit you been pullin is funny to me. You fucking knew what the shit was from day one".

"Mannn I don't wanna hear that shit fuck. You touch my daughter and I'll blow ya fucking head off". Tyree just stood there nodding.

"Fine. I won't put a bullet in your daughter's head but only if you just agree to drop this" I said. He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Gun down on 3. 1..2..3". We all put our guns down and I turned and walked away.


I turned back around. "Oh and one more thing" I said. "What?" He nodded. "DIE SLOW BITCH!!" I pulled the trigger on both them niggas one after the other. I walked over to both the lifeless bodies and shot once more in their face.

I put my hoodie on and walked out. I walked up to the jeep and hopped in the back with Dior. "Come on we gotta get my baby to the hospital" I said holding her in my arms.

As we were riding, Dior was squirming and groaning in my arms. "It hurts! It hurts so bad!" she yelled. It hurt me to see my baby hurt and it hurt me that I couldn't do anything about it at the moment.

I can't believe them bitch ass niggas put their hands on my girl. But, their dead now for real this time and I made sure of it.

A few minutes after arriving to the hospital they had her checked in. I had insisted that they checked my baby immediately upon arrival.

The boys had waited in the waiting room with me because they were my boys and they were always there for me. "Aye bro, you good?" Slim said sitting next to me. "Yeah. I'm good man" I said looking down, rapidly shaking my leg.

"Aight. Imma head out" he said. Usually I would trip about him just leaving but I didn't because I knew what bro was going through. I mean I too would be upset if I found out that my girl was pregnant and it's not even mine.

Yeah that happened...

We dabbed each other up and he left. As he was leaving, the doctor approached me. "Mr.Parker?" She said. "Yes, that's me" I immediately replied. "She's awake. But I must tell you the injuries". "Go on" I said.

"Well, there is a slight tear in her stomach that seemed to be cause by a bad hit. Also, a part of her brain is a little swollen but nothing a little rest won't help".

"O-o oki" I stuttered. "Has she lost any memory?" I asked. "No sir. Matter of fact, you may go see her now". As soon as she said that I ran to the room she was in.

I knocked on the door. "Baby?" I called. She turned very slowly to look at me. "Who are you?" She answered. I froze in shock. "I'm just kidding baby, come" she reached for me laughing.

I let out the breath that I was holding. "Don't scare me like that" I sighed. She slightly smiled. "I miss you" she said. "I miss you too" I said kissing her forehead.

"Sooo..what happened? Why am I here?" She asked. My eyes furrowed. I thought the doc said she didn't loose any memory? Ughh dumb ass.

"Wait. You really don't remember nothing?" She shook her head. "Tell me please".

I sighed. "Well baby, you were.. you were raped and beaten" I said. Her eyes started to tear up in disbelief. That pinched a nerve in my heart, literally.

"By who?" She asked. "Your ex". "Tyree? But why would he- she started to cry. She put her hands to her face. I climbed in the hospital bed with her and held her tight.

"Please don't cry Dior. It's handled. I promise. I will never let anything like this happen to you ever again and that's on everything I love" I said.

"Just hold me" she whispered. I obeyed her command holding her tightly.

"I got you baby, forever"....
Wow wow wow, this lowkey made me tear up a little🥲
Stay tuned...

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