Chapter 8: Blood or Money?

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Dior's POV:

I was at home sitting at my dining table looking at the money Mr.B gave me. "Dirty ass money" I mugged. I just couldn't believe he gave me that dirty ass drug money to live by or quote on quote "Get started with".

The truth was, I didn't want it! Especially from no King Pin. I heard a knock at the door. I went to go open it and it was Henny.

"Hey bitchhh!" she waved as she invited herself in. That was always her normal saying. I laughed rolling my eyes, "What's up girl". "Girllll lemme tell you I had a time last night".

"What you mean?" I curiously asked. "Well, I suck- "STOP!" I interrupted her putting my hand up. "You can keep that, I don't wanna know" I laughed. "What? I was gonna say I suck at playing pool" she said sarcastically. I side eyed her making us both laugh.

"So what's been up with you huh? You been good?" She asked. "I guess. I went to go visit Kari yesterday, it was really nice seeing him. But, while I was there his boss came to visit too and it was so weird". "What you mean?" Her eyebrows scrunched.

"Well when he came in he greeted me, told me everything would be fine, and then gave me 100k" I explained.

"Umm, that doesn't sound weird to me. Maybe because I'm poor" Henny put her hand on her mouth like she was thinking. "Henny, your not fuckin funny bitch" I said slightly laughing. "I'm being for real D" she shrugged.

We heard a knock on the door. "Hmm, I wasn't expecting anybody after you" I said walking towards the door. I opened it, and there was a large bucket of red roses on the welcome rug. They were in the form of a heart. I picked them up, looked around, and went back inside.

"Oooooh who got you those?" Henny asked walking over to them. "I-I don't know. I mean Kari's in a coma so it couldn't be him". There was a card that stuck out on the side, so I took it out and read it...

A dozen and more roses for a rose.
Happy to run into you the other day. Hope these cheer you up.
~ Berkeley

"Berkeley? Who's Berkeley?" Henny asked.
"Kari's boss" I replied. She nodded. "How did he get my address?" I looked at the card. Studying his handwriting, flipping it from the front to the back. He left his phone number on the back.

"Well I mean he is a king pin so I'm pretty sure he knows everyone's address". She gasped, "EVEN MINE! Oooh bye bitch, I gotta go see if there's flowers left on my door step" she laughed while pushing me, storming out of the door.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. I placed the card down and went to go sit on my couch. I dialed the number in my phone to call Mr.B. He answered after the 4th ring.

"Umm hi, is this Berkeley?" I asked. A deep, raspy but not too raspy voice answered, "Yes love. And you must be the beautiful Dior". I blushed a little, "Yes it is. I just wanted to thank you for the flowers. You didn't have to get me so many".

"But I did. I had to get something as beautiful as you are love". "Thank you" I smiled. "Oh and what about that 100k? You spent it yet?" He asked. "No, no I didn't yet". "Well, I can fix that. Lemme take you shoppin tomorrow. You can pick out a few things you know to take your mind off of JP. I know you've been thinking about em".

"Yes. And I don't think I'll ever stop thinking about him. But really I'm fine, the flowers were enough" my eyes widened. "I insist" he said. "Well. I mean I...guess a little shopping won't hurt". "Great! I'll pick you up at 2 o'clock sharp, be ready." "Ok. But, how do you know where I li- the call ended, cutting me off.

I looked at my phone curiously but shrugged it off. "Hmm I wonder what's making him do all of this. It's almost like he's taking care of me because Kari isn't here but hopefully he's not tryna take his place...
Bam's POV:

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