Chapter 10: Miss You

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Dior's POV:

I ran into the hospital, looking around for anyone who could lead me to Kari's room. I ran to the front desk. "Yes, yes, umm my name is Dior Jones. Umm I'm here for- the nurse cut me off. "Jakari Parker?" I nodded. "Oh yes, I talked to you on the phone earlier. Right this way".

She led me to Kari's room. "Mr.Parker, you have a visitor". She said with a smile on her face. As I walked in, our eyes met. I had a slight smile on my face not ready for his reaction to seeing me.

As soon as Kari saw me his eyes lit up and a big smile came across his face. "Dior?" He said softly, reaching out his hand. I ran over to his bed side, grabbing his hand. "Oh Kari". I said with tears rolling down my face.

"Why you cryin?" He said wiping the tears off of my face. "Because I just didn't know when you were gonna wake up. Or even if you were going to." His eyes scrunched up, "Well I'm back now ma, can't nobody kill me" He shrugged.

We embraced each other for a moment, but it was interrupted by 50 and the rest of the boys. "Waddup waddup!" 50 threw his hands up. "Sleeping beauty finally woke up from his slumber" J moe said. Kari rolled his eyes.

"Man shut the fuck up". He sat up a little, grunting. "You niggas been getting the job done?" J moe smacked his lips, "Man you just woke up and you already asking if we been getting the job done?"
"Yes nigga. Gotta make sure y'all was keepin shit tight while I was out".

"Man, you know we was keepin thangs right dawg". Trent said dabbing Kari up. "Aye, can we like not talk about drug dealing right now. Kari literally just woke up from being shot." I looked over at him caressing his arm.

"Yeah, you right. What we need to talk about is how you wanna handle the nigga that shot you boss". 50 said. I turned and squinted my eyes at him, warning him not to speak any further.

"That's fuckin right!" Kari said. I looked back at him. "We know who it is". Bam said. I closed my eyes squeezing my hands together because I knew what was coming next. Kari looked at me with concern. "Who?"

"Dior's ex man's. Name is Tyre". 50 said. I looked up at Kari and he looked at me with his eyes squinted. "So, when were you gone tell me ya ex man's was the one who shot me?" "Kari I- he interrupted me. "When were you gonna tell me?" "Kari, you just woke up. I couldn't tell you right then and there".

He smacked his lips. "Look, you can be mad but I'm trying to save your sanity." I said. "Man fuck that! Where this nigga live?" I looked around the room and everyone was starring at me. Waiting for me to finally tell them what they've been waiting to hear.

"Dior, look at me baby". Kari put his hand on my chin and switched it over to his direction. "I need you to tell me where this nigga is so we can clap back big time. Don't you want to get back at the nigga who hurt you? Who hurt me?" I could see the desperation in his eyes.

"Kari, I do but what is that gonna do? I mean killing someone won't make you or me feel any better." "Who said I was gonna kill him ma? I'm just gonna hurt him. Really, really bad". He smiled. I frowned, "Kari, I'm serious". "I'm serious too baby". He said kissing my lips softly.

"Ughh, get a room". J moe said. I rolled my eyes. "Sooooo, you gone tell us orrrrr?" 50 asked. I sighed. "Fi- fine. Tyre lives on 79th street of canesbridge. But, he spends most of his nights at this club called umm starlight? I think".

"We was there the other night". Bam said. "Ain't that a strip club?" Kari asked. Bam nodded. "Wow, the more ya know". I put my head down. "Oh damn ma, you good?" Kari said rubbing my arm. "Don't worry about me ok? Shit is dead. Just worry about what y'all's next move is gonna be".

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