Chapter 20: The End Of A Rainbow

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Dior's POV:
It was the day of my best friend Hennessy's baby shower. She decided to have it at a little club house with family and friends.

The place was decorated so nice with neutral shades of color all around. Some Henny's nephews and nieces were running around causing the tired aunts to tell them to "stop all that running". I couldn't help but laugh.

There were also little hors d'oeuvres being passed around like meatballs and sandwiches, you know the traditional baby shower foods.

I sat at the table when one of Henny's aunts came up to me, one I knew very well. "Omg! Dior, is that you baby?" I heard someone say. "Omg, aunt Ja'Nae! It's been so long" I said giving her a hug.

"It really has" she said. "How have you been?" "Good. Just living life" I said. She looked over at Kari, "Mhmm I see" she smirked.

I laughed. "This is Jakari, my boyfriend". Kari stood up and smiled, waving. "Hello" he said. "Oh come here boy, I like hugs" she said pulling him into a tight hug. I couldn't help but laugh seeing Kari squirm in her grip.

"Well, I'll leave you two be. BRYAN, DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO GET OFF THAT DAMN CHAIR!" Me and Kari looked at each other and laughed.

"So, you heard anything yet?" Kari asked, rubbing my stomach. "No. I would have expected her to call already" I said.

My doctor still hadn't called me to give the results about if I'm pregnant or not. Maybe it's a sign to just leave the situation be. But who could leave a situation be like this?

"Look don't stress about it. Everything is gonna be ok cause imma be right here no matter what" he said. I loved how Kari was always so reassuring. I'm glad that he wasn't pressing me about it, granted that it wasn't my fault.

"Thank you" I said. We shared a quick kiss. We were interrupted by Hennessy saying, "Alright guys! It's time for the gender reveal so everyone come outside!

My baby looked so cute in her little sun dress. Her bumb was definitely showing. 50 stood next to her, matching in his neutral colors. He looked bout nervous as hell.

Everyone was standing around, waiting for the reveal to began. 50 and Henny had the confetti poppers in their hands.

"Alright! On the count of 3. 1..2..3..

They both twisted the handles on the poppers and the color came out BLUE.

"IT'S A BOY" people yelled. "YEAH!" 50 yelled picking up Hennessy and hugging her. They were both overjoyed and Henny was crying.
Hennessy's POV:
I couldn't believe I was having a baby boy. I really wanted a girl but it was whatever. As long as the baby is healthy and happy.

I cried and cried because of all the excitement that was going on around me. "I got us baby" 50 said. Putting his forehead on mine.

Ughh. He had a charm that was just hard to let go of. That's really what got us here in the first place.

As we all were celebrating the news, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Slim walk in. His eyes were wondering around like he was trying to find someone. I think it was me because when we made eye contact he came right towards me.

"Hey" he said. "Hey" I said. It was kind of awkward, because I could feel 50 burning a hole through my face even though he was talking to the other guests.

"So, I know I wasn't invited but I just had to come and see you". "I didn't think you would want to come" I said. Trying to avoid weird eye contact.

"I didn't. Look, I didn't come here to start anything I just wanted to say congrats on the baby and the gender. You look like your gonna be a great boy mom.

"Thank you" I smiled. "And also, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about everything. Everything I said and did. I wasn't trying to hurt you or anything like that".

"No no slim I'm the one who should be apologizing. I cheated on you and got pregnant by your friend. Your best friend at that. Because of me, you guys probably won't ever talk again and that makes me sad. I didn't mean to come in between anything. I hope you could forgive me one day." I started to tear up.

"Yeah. One day" he said. I didn't blame him for not being ready to forgive me. I did some weird ass shit. Anyone would have reacted the way he did.

"Well, imma go. Goodbye Hennessy" he said kissing my forehead and giving me a hug. "Goodbye Slim". The hug lasted for a while. I'm pretty sure it was a goodbye forever hug.

I eyed him down as he left still feeling bad but it was good closure.
Dior's POV:
Me and Kari had finally gotten home from the shower. While it was really fun, the doctor still hadn't called me. At this point I was getting ready to call myself.

"Come here ma" Kari said grabbing my hands. He lead me to the couch. "What is it?" I asked.

He took a deep breath. "Ok, so I don't always do this sentimental shit but I just wanted to let you know sum" he said. I nodded.

"Since we were at the shower and I saw Henny and my boy 50 pop those poppers, I couldn't help but to imagine that being us one day. You know, having our own family and shit. Look, what I'm trying to say is I want to build a family with you and be with you forever. The first time I ever laid my eyes on you in high school, I knew you were the one. I just had to find a way to get to you and I'm just so glad I'm finally here with you. All the issues all the sadness all the happiness I wanna go through all that with you. Forever your it for me. So, Dior Le'Nae Jones will you marry me?"

I was so teary eyed the whole time he was talking. I guess there was just one more thing to say. "Yes. Yes Kari I'll marry you" I said. We hugged each other so tight and shared kisses.

While it turned into a make out sesh, I was interrupted by my phone ringing. Kari groaned. I laughed, "Hold on".

I answered the call, "Hello". "Hello, is this Ms.Le'Nae?" The lady on the phone asked. "Yes it is" I responded. "Ok. I have your test results. Are you ready?" "Oh yes please" I begged. "Ok, well your results say that you in fact are not pregnant but, the doctor has requested that you get tons of rest and drink more water" she said.

"Ok! Thank you" I said. "No problem, have a good day". She hung up.

I sighed in relief. Kari looked at me. "You good?" He asked. "Yeah. I'M NOT PREGNANT!" I jumped on him and started kissing him all over.

"Wait wait" he said laughing. "You know what this means right?" My eyes furrowed.

"We can finally make some of our own" he winked. I laughed, "Just come on".

This was great. I was so relieved about the news that I wasn't pregnant. It seemed as if everything in my life had took a tole but found its way back to the even side of things. I was very happy to be able to plan my own wedding! Especially with the one person I truly loved.

My man my man my man...
Well that's it guys. The end of a rainbow. I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Ngl I didn't really like the ending but to be honest I was trying to finish this book so it is what it is🤷🏾‍♀️ (THERE WILL BE A SEQUAL) about 50 and Henny
Anyways, I have a new book out called bestfriends💕 so go read that, it's gonna be better than this book so yeah bye.😁

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