Chapter 7: Another Love Story Part 3

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2 Months later...
Hennessy's POV:

My best friend had really been going through it these past few months. Since the funeral she hasn't been the same. I've been doing my best to be there for her and keep her company especially during these times.

Me and Slim started dating a few weeks after the shooting. All through that time I saw something I've never seen before, a whole lotta gansta of course because he was mad, but still a bunch of compassion for me and that's what I really liked about him.

We were all at Dior's house. Me, Slim, Trent, and J moe. 50 and Bam were at the stash house keeping the business running because that's what JP would have wanted.

"Hey baby, how ya doin?" I asked while rubbing Dior's back. We were sitting on the couch. She was all curled up within herself with little tears rolling down her face and her eyes were puffy. You could tell she had been crying.

She sniffed, "I'm fine". "No your not baby. And I know your not because of the way your looking right now".

I couldn't bare to see my best friend like this. I mean first, her man that's not her man is in a coma for what is like 2 months now and her mom had recently died. I couldn't even think to know what she's going through right now. But, all I did know is that I needed to be there for her. We all did.

"Hey, why don't we watch some tv. Like your favorite cartoon "SpongeBob" Slim said attempting to grab the remote . "I don't wanna watch that right now" Dior said sadly. "How about this?" J moe pulled out a blunt. I gave him a mean look and he was quick to put it away.

"Guys?" Dior rose up. "I really thank you all for being here for me but I'm fine, I'm telling you. I just really don't want the company right now". "Hey D, we all need some company now and then. Your sad and we know that. you gotta let us in sometime" Trent shrugged.

"Yeah, sometime. Just not right now ok? Now could you all just give me some space?" Dior said. "Ok, we'll give you some space but you know I'm coming back" I said. "Yeah".

We all got up and went to the door. "Hey" I touched her shoulder. "We love you, ok?" "I know" she sniffed putting her hand on mine.

We left...
50's POV:

I was at the stash house having my people moving product left and right. The money was coming in fast and that was good. I just wanted JP to be proud after he woke up from his coma.

"Aye 50, I gotta lead on our manz" Bam said. "Bet, lemme see".

Ever since we heard that JP was gonna be in a coma for who knows how long, me and the boys been on the search for the nigga who shot our boy. Me and Bam been on it the most, granted that the others been tryna keep his girl company.

"Alright, so apparently his name is Tyre. He joined KP's crew a few months ago. I heard it was because his girl broke up with his ass and jumped him, found out he was cheatin n shit". "Damn, weak ass nigga" I scrunched my eyebrows. Bam laughed.

"Yeah so now all we have to do is find where that nigga lives and blow his head off" he said. "Woah wait a minute lil nigga. We can do this a more brutal way. Find out which stash house he's stationed to, do a drive by, and then blow his head off in front of all his boys" I said.

"Ooooh I like that" Bam said while rubbing his hands together and licking his lips. Bam was always a crazy mothafucka. That's what we liked about him, someone who wasn't scared to do nun crazy.

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