Chapter 14: Lost Part 3

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Dior's POV:
"MOVE BITCH! GET OUT THE WAY! GET OUT THE WAY BITCH GET OUT THE WAY!" I rapped the song while speeding through the streets with my new Mercedes Benz Kari bought me. I don't know why.

"Damn ma! Slow the fuck down before you kill the both of us. I still wanna live to see you have my kids, which I hope is soon" he turned and winked.

I turned my music down a little so he could get what I was about to say through his thick skull. "Ummm, it won't be any time boo" I laughed. I'm just not ready to have kids right now" I shrugged. He side eyed me.

"But what we need to talk about is why did you buy me this car? I mean seriously, you spoil me already" I put my hand on my head.

"Damn, I can't spoil my wife?" "Woah, I ain't never said that. It's just I feel like I should be spoiling you since you know everything that happened".

He scoffed. "I ain't no girl nigga". "Men can be spoiled to nigga". "Not this man, y'all be safe though" he put up the peace sign. I rolled my eyes.
We pulled up to Hennessy's house because I wanted to show off my new car. I knocked on the door loud and excitedly. "Henny girllllll! Open da fuck up!" Kari looked at me and shook his head. "You been around me fa too long. Shorty over here acting like me and shii". I laughed.

"I wonder what's taking her so long?" I questioned. I started to get worried. It usually doesn't take Hennessy long to answer the door, especially if it's me. I knocked once more. Maybe she was sleep.

"Henne-." She opened the door. I could tell she had been crying because her makeup was smeared. "What's wrong baby?" I hugged her. "I- I-." She stuttered. "Come let's go sit on the couch" I said.

As I led her to the couch, Kari followed behind me. We both sat on opposite sides next to her. "Ain't nobody been through here tryna hurt you huh?" He said seriously. Kari new how important my best friend was to me and if he was protecting me he would have to protect her to.

She shook her head. "I didn't mean to do it. I don't even know what to do with a baby". "A baby?" I questioned. She pulled out two positive pregnancy test and gave them to me. I was in shock. I always knew Henny as a safe sexer. I guess I was wrong.

I attempted to give them to Kari but he waved me off saying, "Eww I don't wanna touch those! She peed on them". "It's covered up stupid" I rolled my eyes. He shrugged with a mug on his face.

"Aww baby" I embraced her arms. "It's gonna be ok, I promise. You know we're gonna be here for you. We're gonna get through this together ok?" She nodded. Me and Kari both hugged her.

"My nigga Slim finna be a old head" Kari said laughing and rubbing his hands together. "Kari." I said softly. "What?" he shrugged. Jenny looked up with a straight face. "The truth is...I don't know who the father is" she shrugged.

"The fuck you mean you don't know!?" Kari's eyes furrowed. Henny turned to Kari. "I don't know!"
"Who else you been fuckin besides my nigga Slim?!"
"Well I- I-." "I- I- speak up my nigga" Kari interrupted.

"Kari? Stop being so aggressive with her" I spoke up. "Naaaa fuck that shit. She been fuckin other niggas behind my nigga back. I don't fuck with that shit" he said shaking his head.

"Well are you sure yo homeboys are yo homeboys if they be fuckin each other's girls behind each other's backs!?!?!?" She yelled. "FUCK!!" She yelled. "What the fuck did you just say?" Kari asked, but this time he looked really mad.

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