Chapter 5: Another Love Story

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The next morning...
Dior's POV:

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. It smelled so good that it made me super eager to get up. I also couldn't stop thinking about that little ride I had last night, if you know what I mean. I put on my robe and started walking out of my room towards the stairs. All I could hear from downstairs was music blasting and Kari singing Keath Sweat's "Right and Wrong Way".

"NEVER LET ME GOOOOOOOOAHAHA- *cough cough* ah shit" he said as I walked downstairs. I laughed. "Now I know you not tearing up my damn kitchen" I looked around.

There was pancake mix all over the counters and egg shells on the floor. "Boy I- "Chill lil ma, I'll get it later" he said. "I just wanted to do something nice". "Thanks Kari but tearing up my kitchen ain't nice" I looked at him. He had no shirt on, grey sweats, and his chain. His tats connected from his chest to his neck.

He rolled his eyes. "Here". "Thank you" I grabbed the plate and went to go sit at the dining table. He made pancakes, eggs with a garnish, bacon, sausage, and fruit. "Haha, I never knew you for a cook" I said as I was eating on a strawberry. He smacked his lips, "There's a lot you didn't know I could do" he winked.

He grabbed his food and came to sit at the dining table with me. As he was smacking on his food he said, "So when you gone stop playin and be my girl". I choked. "Your what?" "My girl" he shrugged.

"Just because we had sex a couple of times and went on one date, doesn't mean imma be your girl Jakari" I said. "Man what? That's exactly what it means. I mean we already know each other, went to high school together and allat." I laughed, "Yeah we went to high school where you ignored me and never talked to me".

"Hmm" he slightly laughed. "That's because I was shy around you. I used to like you ya know?"

Omg! The Jakari Parker used to like me?! How could I not know this?

"Well, you made it real obvious" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, "Man whatever, I'm here now aight?" "Mhmm" I said while taking a sip of orange juice. We sat for a few more minutes eating our food when we heard a hard knock at the door.

Kari looked at me and I looked at him with a look of concern. "I'll get it" he said. He got up and went to the door. He opened it and it was this tall brown skinned HANDSOME dude with dreads and the same chain Kari had on with a black sweatshirt.

"50? What are you doing here? And how did you know I was here?" Kari said surprised. "Nigga, I was calling you all night! And you weren't at your house. You must've forgot, I have your location" 50 showed his phone to Jakari.

Jakari rolled his eyes. 50 looked over in my direction. "Gahhhh damn. That's you?" He pointed at me with his fist over his mouth. Jakari put his hands on his head and ushered him in. "50 this is Dior, Dior 50. 50 came over to me and held his hand out. "But you can call me Dre" he smiled shaking my hand.

I giggled, "Nice to meet you Dre". "Charmed" he said. He looked over at the dining table. "Ooohh food!" He ran over to the table and started eating Jakari's half eatin plate. That man smacked on it like he had never eaten before.

Jakari interrupted his smacking. "Ok so why you here nigga?!" "We got business to handle man" 50 slapped him on the chest. "Oh yeah right". Jakari turned to me "Umm I...gotta...go". "Ok, no problem" I said.

After they left, I decided to call my best friend Hennessy. I haven't talked to her since the party.

"Heyy bitchhh!" She said. "Damn girl, it's about time you answered. I haven't talked to you since the party". "I know I know I'm sorry, I've just been handling business" she laughed. Not thinking I said, "Oh no, don't tell me your a drug dealer too".

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