19 / hate you

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I just remembered something.


Remember those voicemails you left me?

Yeah...where are you going with this?

Well in one of them you said you have something really important to tell me and you still haven't told me what it was. So...what is it?

Oh, so you did listen to the voucemails.

Yeah, I guess.

But you didn't bother ringing.

You rang anyway so who gives a fuck?


Anyways, tell me what you wanted to tell me that was super important?

It was nothing.


Honestly, it was nothing.

You're such a liar, it was obviously something.

I just said it so that you answer the phone.

I don't believe you.

Why not?

'Cause you're bullshitting.

Okay fine.


I wanted to tell you...


That I...





That you what?


Oh my God! You hung up? You dick.


I hate you Chris Evans even though you can't hear this anymore, I don't give a shit. I fucking hate you.

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