Switched at birth (part 3)

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Liam: Telling your son was the hardest part of it all. He was old enough to understand, but still young enough to not truly grasp it all. "So you're not my parents?" "We are," you assured him, as Liam hugged your crying child tightly. "Your mum and I love you so much, and you are ours. This just means that your mother did not give birth to you. But that changes nothing. You have friends who were adopted, and their parents are theirs. There's no difference." You son knew that was true. One of his closest friends was adopted, and he saw the love his parents had matched the love he'd always felt from you and Liam. He also knew this was different though, and not so simple. "But you never wanted this. You wanted him, not me." Your heart, along with Liam's ached. No matter how you already felt, seeing your son in pain was the worst thing. "None of that matters. You are our son. We love you. I could not imagine my life without you. You are our world. I've told you that you're entire life, and I still mean it. You are my world. Not him. You." With tears still running down his face, your son looked up at you, "Promise me that will never change." "It won't," Liam replied, "You will always be the most important thing in the world to us."

Niall: The actual meeting, between the couple who biologically your son was related to, and the little boy you never knew you missed, went much better than expected. Neither child seemed as scared of the situation, the moment they began speaking to the parents who gave birth to them. They were laughing together, and playing, no longer scared over this situation that still felt unreal. You watched both of them so closely, realizing the motherly love you had, really did go towards the son you raised. You felt a connection to the other little boy, but watching him with his mother, you knew he was right where he belonged. You could question forever how it all happened, and you would, but you wouldn't regret it. You had the son you were meant to have, your perfect little boy who you would never wish to replace. "He seems so sweet," the other mother told you, with her eyes glued to your son, "You and Niall... I know this situation is weird and horrible. I'm just glad to know he's so happy. My biggest fear was that he wasn't." You understood that fear. "I worried too. It's why I wanted to meet him so badly. I just had to know. They are both very lucky kids, who will have so much love they'll end up annoyed by it all."

Zayn: Zayn agreed with you, but still wondered what was truly best. He loved your daughter completely, but just worried about what the right thing for her was. It would hurt you to give her back, and take your biological daughter, but was it best to keep her? She was two, and he truly did believe she would never remember you. Would this just cause her pain in the end? All those thoughts vanished though, one night when he was up late. He was busy working on a project, when he heard her little feet running into the room. "Daddy! Daddy!" Turning to look at her, he saw tears in her eyes, and instantly dropped everything, and rushed to scoop her into his arms. "What's wrong?" "I had a nightmare. I need you and Mommy. Can we go to bed? I want to sleep in your bed." "Of course," he sighed, as he kissed her forehead. She buried her head into his neck, "Just hold me for now. I love you Daddy." "I love you too Baby," he whispered to her, while fighting back tears. How could he ever think of giving her to them? How could he think it was for the best to turn her world upside down? Two or not, it may not affect her forever, but it would hurt her now. She loved both of you so much. His world was in his arms right now, and he was finally realizing that completely.

Louis: After learning the news, you had a long discussion over everything. Louis' trust was a big part of the talk, and you knew it would take time to build your relationship to what it once was. His belief that you had an affair hurt, and you couldn't just forget that. However, the most important thing, and what took up most of the talk, was your daughter. "Should we tell her?" "She's only 7." "She'll find out. This is not a secret we'll be able to keep for long." "We need to tell the other family." "We have to find them first." By the time your conversation was over, your mind was spinning. Many tears followed, as well as anger over everything. It was not until the following morning, that you were able to talk about it more clearly. "We need to call the hospital, and let them know. They can find the other couple." Louis took in what you just said, and then calmly replied. "Do we have to?" You had that thought as well, but knew what was right. "Yes, we do. A part of me never wants to know them, but we have to, and we need to know her." Louis hated all of this, but understood what you were saying. "So, you'll call?" You nodded, but then stopped. "But first, we tell our daughter. She's only 7, but she deserves to know before anyone else. She needs to hear it from us, and know we love her." "Can we wait a few days? I just need time." You agreed quickly, "I think us dealing with this for a few days on our own may be a really good idea."

Harry: Three years after learning the news, your daughter told you she was ready. She was now 19, and could have done it on her own, but she wanted you and Harry involved. Over the past few years, she'd seen that your love never changed, and felt confident it never would. It took only a few phone calls, before a heartbroken hospital worker told you the names, that they'd been approved to give you, of the other couple; the one who brought home the child you'd given birth to. And now, 7 days after your daughter said she was ready, she had her ringing phone on speaker, as across the country, another family stared nervously at their own. "Hello?" A timid voice answered finally, and tears fell down your face. It was only a voice, but it sounded so much like your own. This was her. "Hi," your daughter replied, just as timidly, "Um, so what do we say to each other?" "I don't know," the other mother responded, her voice breaking as she did, "I'm so sorry we never knew. I mean, I don't know how to say it. I'm not sorry for raising my daughter, I love her, but I'm sorry." Their daughter laughed nervously, as Harry replied, "There's nothing to say sorry for. None of us knew, and it doesn't matter now. We raised our kids, and now it's just time to get to know each other, all of us." The other father replied, "We'd really like that. We have so much we'd love to tell you about our little girl, and we want to know everything about your daughter as well."

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