You cheated on him part 2

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Niall: Your tears fell for so long after Niall hung up on you. It was the worst feeling in the world, to realize that things with Niall were probably over. To know that the relationship you valued so much, was ending due to a horribly stupid mistake you made. You were still crying, hours later, when the phone rang, once Niall had time to let it all sink in. You really did not want to answer, but felt like you had no choice. "Hello?" Hearing your voice was hard on Niall. Only hours earlier he had been so happy to talk to you, and now it pained him. "Did you really?" "I'm sorry," you answered him. He felt like the pain started all over again, "I think we should break up." You couldn't argue with him. he had every right to dump you, "Yeah... I really do love you though." Niall wanted to hang up on you again, but said one last thing before he did, "I don't know if you did."

Louis: You continued to lie to Louis, and pretended that your bad feelings were all due to an illness and nothing more, but it only got harder and harder on you. He was being so kind, and caring for you so well, that it was making your guilt even stronger than when you gone on the date in the first place. You could no longer keep it to yourself. "I have to tell you something Louis." "What is it?" Louis asked, glad to see you sitting up, and finally not curled up on the couch. "Um, I um, I'm so, so sorry... I-I went on a... I went on a date with someone else." Louis' face crumbled, "What?" "It was one date. Nothing happened. He didn't even kiss me. I..." "Why?" As tears filled your eyes, you replied, "I liked how exciting it felt to be asked out again. I felt so... It doesn't matter. I was stupid. I'm sorry." Louis was mad, and rightfully so, but he didn't feel as angry as you expected. He felt somewhat bad actually, that you'd been excited to go on a date again. "You could have just told me. We can go out [Y/N]."

Liam: Really loving Liam just wasn't enough to keep your relationship going. You couldn't wait forever for it to feel real. Your other boyfriend was falling for you more and more, and in some ways you began to love him even more than you loved Liam. At least he was really there for you, and you were so happy with him. When things began to feel like they were getting too serious with your other boyfriend, you had no choice but to end things with Liam. He didn't need to know the true reason though. At least, you didn't think so. "We're never together, and I just want a true relationship. What I want right now, it's just different than what we can have. I do love you, but..." "Just stop." Liam didn't need to hear anything more. He understood what you meant, and as much as he loved you, he didn't want to hurt you in any way. He was still clueless to the truth, and did believe that what you were saying was the only reason to end things, "I understand. You do deserve someone who is there for you. I love you, but I understand."

Zayn: The day after Zayn caught you in bed with another man, you went back home. You knew it was too soon to think things would be okay, but you couldn't wait. You had to know if Zayn would forgive you, or if this was the end. More days apart did not seem necessary to you. Either he would forgive you, or he wouldn't. "Why are you here?" He snapped, when he saw you standing in the doorway. "I um, I thought we should talk," you tried to sound confident, but you weren't at all. You knew he was still angry at you, and your talking would only bring it all up once again. Zayn was confident though, when he replied back to you, "I don't think we need to do anything. I don't want to talk to you. I'm done [Y/N]. You cheated on me, and I won't forgive that. I could never trust you again." You tried to speak again, but you were too heartbroken. You really had thought he would talk to you about it, and not end things so quickly. "You did this [Y/N]. Just get your stuff, and go. We're done." 

Harry: "I guess I was upset that we seemed to be drifting apart. We weren't as close as we use to be. Another guy gave me attention, and I liked that." Speaking calmly to Harry about what you'd done was such a hard thing to do. It all felt so odd, that he wanted to hear more and more. "Do you have real feelings for him? Was he nice to you?" He was so upset over what he'd done wrong, and not at all towards you. That made you feel far more horrible than his anger ever could have. It wasn't his fault, and yet he was accepting the blame. "He was nice, but... I mean, he was attractive, but my feelings for him, they weren't... Harry, I messed up, don't try and figure out what you did wrong, or what could have been different." "I really don't think you cheated for no reason. I know you [Y/N]. We're going to work on us, and I won't blame you completely for this." You loved how kind he was being, but it hurt you too, "I want that, but I don't deserve it." Harry did not agree with that at all. "Yes you do."

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