#66 You child loses a tooth

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Liam: Your daughter had already lost many teeth, this one was not her first. She was older now than they 5 year old who'd first came to you upset over her first tooth, and now was less worried about the tooth, and more worried about what would happen after. "So how much money do you think I'll get for this one? I got twenty pounds last time." Liam tried not to laugh, as you sent a glare his way. You warned him not to give her that much for one little tooth, but he had not listened; now she expected that every time. "That was for a front tooth," Liam reminded her, but that did nothing to stop her thoughts. "It doesn't matter, all my teeth are important Daddy." You smiled, as you looked at your husband. You were enjoying this completely, "Yeah Liam, the tooth fairy knows how important she is. Maybe she'll leave even more this time." Your daughter's face lit up, as Liam shook his head, "No, I don't think so." "I do! Mom's right! This is worth even more!"

Harry: Most kids are excited about losing their first tooth. It's a exciting milestone for them to finally be getting rid of their baby teeth, and getting their grown up ones. Your son however, was not one of those kids. "I don't want to loose my tooth," he cried, as his hand went to the tooth that was ready to fall, "Why do I have to? Can't it stay?" Harry bent down so he was eye level with your little boy, "This is a good thing. Once this one is gone, you'll get big boy teeth." "Why?" your son wondered, looking from his dad to you. "Well," you began slowly, "The teeth you have now are little, and when you grow up, you need bigger ones." "Why?" he asked again, looking once again at Harry. "Because you eat more," Harry answered, not sure at all what he was saying, but it sounded like the right thing to say to your five year old. "Why?" You laughed, "Just trust us, it's a good thing." Your son still looked so confused, and you knew what he was going to say again, before he even opened his mouth. "Why?"

Niall: At the age of 6 years old, when one of the twins did something first, it was always a fight. "Why did you get to lose a tooth before me?! I'm older!" Your son screamed that, after your daughter bragged about losing her first tooth. "So!" Your daughter shot back, holding on tightly to her tooth, "I lost mine first! And now I get money! Right Dad?" Niall knew right away that four little eyes were on him, before he even glanced in the direction of your two fighting children. "Well yeah, you do right now, but later your brother will lose his and he'll..." "But it's just me now, right? And I can buy a toy and he can't." Your son was now close to tears, and Niall could see that, and it broke his heart. He knew your daughter was not trying to be as mean though, she was just excited to be first. "Well, the tooth fairy leaves money to nice kids. If you're mean to your brother..." Your daughter's face crumbled, "I'm sorry! Please, tell her i'll be nice! I'll even get a toy we can share!" Your son's face lit up, and the fight was long over in his mind, "Really?! What can we get?!" Your daughter's smiled returned, "Maybe a puzzle?"

Louis: "There is nothing cuter than her little smile without her front teeth," you whispered to Louis, as you watched your daughter talking to Niall about something she was really excited about. Neither of you could hear her, but you could see that missing tooth so clearly. "And her voice with that little lisp," Louis agreed, "She's not very happy about it though." You laughed, remembering the way your daughter had pouted all day long after she lost her second front tooth, and when you'd coo every time she spoke. "She hates that I think it's so adorable when she talks like that," you laughed, so glad you and Louis agreed that it was cute, despite your daughter being so upset. She may have hated it, but you two did not. "And her being mad really just makes it cuter." You nodded at Louis' comment, "It does. We're probably being really horrible right now, getting so much enjoyment out of something she hates." Louis shook his head, "No, doesn't everyone?"

Zayn: "So she comes into my room and leaves me money?" your son asked, after being informed about the tooth fairy for the first time. He was only six, and had lost his first tooth earlier in the day while at school, and so this was all so new to him. "Yeah, that's it," Zayn answered, as you placed his tooth under his pillow, "See where your mum put your tooth? She'll take it from there, and leave you a few pounds." "She takes it? I don't want her to!" You smiled at him, thinking about how it did sound strange to think someone came into your home, and did that, "You don't want to keep that tooth Baby, and after she gives you money, then you go buy a toy." Your son liked the sound of that, but still worried about the tooth fairy, "If I leave my tooth in the living room, will she get it there? I don't want her to come get it under my pillow. She'll wake me up." Zayn laughed, and nodded, "Yeah, we can do that. I think she'll find it. Just make sure me and Mum know where it is." "Okay!"

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