#9 BSM: Another boy helps when you have an argument

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Harry: Harry screamed at you so loudly, over whatever it was you had done wrong. You screamed right back at him, not even knowing why you were fighting. It was just a simple sibling argument, and it had no reason. It did not need a true reason, not when it came to you two. You loved each other so much, but also typically did not go long without disagreeing on something. "You guys do know we can hear you, right?" Niall stuck his head into the room, as he said those words. You took a deep breath, as you turned your head to stare at him, "We're fine Niall. It's just sibling stuff." Niall took your response as an opportunity to walk further into the room. "I don't mean to put myself in where I shouldn't, but you two barely see each other. [Y/N], you fly out here to see Harry so rarely. So don't you two think you should try to get along during that time?" Niall had a good point, even if you didn't want to admit it. Harry saw his point as well though, and was fine with admitting maybe you were wrong. "I don't want us to always fight. I want to enjoy you being here. Can we at least try that, please?"

Louis: You were visiting Louis for only a week on tour, and it started out so well. He was so excited to have one of his little sisters there with him, and you were so happy to be there as well. After four days though, something changed. Suddenly you were arguing over who did or did not lose his phone. He swore he gave it to you, and that was the last he saw of it. You could clearly remember him taking it back though, and argued that point. Zayn had been watching this argument the entire time, and thought it was so pointless. "You two are both being ridiculous. The phone is missing. Who cares who did or didn't lose it. [Y/N] is leaving in three days. You can either keep arguing over the phone, or just let it go." "But I didn't lose it, and he keeps blaming me," you argued, your glare still on your big brother. Louis argued back right away, "You could just accept you did it, and say sorry." "But I didn't!" Zayn shook his head in disbelief that you two were still arguing. "If you two could just see yourselves right now. This is not worth it. It's a phone." "But..." you began, but Zayn continued talking before you could finish. "If you lost it, or Louis did, it doesn't matter. It's gone. This argument will not make anything better. Just enjoy this week, before you don't see each other again for months."

Liam: Neither you nor Liam felt any need to listen to the other, when you were in the middle of an argument. It was the same as when you were kids, you both  just said whatever came into your mind to prove your point, without any thought behind it at all. It was going nowhere, and never would have, until Harry stood between the two of you, and raised his voice above the screaming. "You two can keep yelling at each other all you want, but neither of you are making any sense. If you would just stop for a moment, and take a step back, maybe this fight could be over. Liam, I know you are happy to see your sister, and I think you'll both regret fighting the entire time if you don't stop." You crossed your arms over you chest, not ready to just drop everything so quickly, despite knowing what Harry just said was true. "[Y/N], I know you are happy to be here too, even if you seem upset right now. I doubt either of you wants to continue fighting like this," Harry continued, his words causing you to let your guard down a little, and drop your arms from across your chest. Liam also seemed to let go of his anger. "Why don't you both just talk. Just be happy that you are both here, and spending time together."

Niall: You were in tears. You hated arguing with Niall. You could count on one hand all the times you had ever argued. You were lucky in that you and Niall were just far enough a part in age to not have that much sibling rivalry, and your arguments were always for true reasons. That also made this worse. You knew you truly were upset with each other, and this was not just some stupid thing. As you sat down crying, Louis stepped into the room, "[Y/N], I heard you arguing with Niall. Are you okay?" "No," you honestly said, refusing to hide how upset you were, "I hate arguing with Niall. I like it when we get along. I'm not used to this." Louis sat beside you, and thought of his words before saying them. You looked so hurt, and the last thing he wanted was to say anything that would make it worse. "I don't think Niall enjoys this either. He's probably just as hurt as you right now. Why don't you just calm down a bit, and then go out there talk to him. Say sorry, or whatever you need to, and move on. I don't think either of you want this to go on longer than this." His solution seemed so simple. "Would that really work? He seems so mad at me." Louis knew without a doubt, no matter how mad Niall was at you, he would forgive you in an instant. "You mean so much to your brother, and I know for a fact he wants this over too."

Zayn: The argument was not over one thing, it was over many. You had been bickering back and forth, since the moment you arrived to spend the weekend with him on tour. No matter what he said, you argued, and vice versa. Nothing was right. Liam watched as you argued with Zayn for yet another thing, and after 2 days of minding his own business, he no longer could. "If you two need someone else to tell you that you're being horrible to each other, then I'll be that person. I don't know what's the deal, but you two have both been treating each other like you don't want to be around the other at all. Aren't you happy to see each other?" "Not if he's going to argue with everything I say." "She's been arguing over everything since the moment she arrived!" Zayn argued back.  Liam could have just backed away now, and gone back to letting you handle this yourself, but felt like that wasn't right. "Fine, keep arguing. It's what you both want, clearly." "It's not what I want," you quickly replied. Zayn laughed at that, "You do. No matter what I say you argue with me." "You do the same!" Liam did not want this to become yet another fight, and quickly cut in, "You both do. It's been one argument after the other. I don't know who started the first, but now it doesn't even matter. If you want to enjoy your time together, you both need to work on that. [Y/N] will be gone tomorrow, and arguing is the only memory you will have of this trip."

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