#71 Your child's first steps

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Harry: You and Harry were eating supper when it happened. You were tired after a long day, and were happy to be eating, and then you could enjoy a movie, and go to sleep. Your son was on the floor near you, playing with his toys, having already eaten before the two of you, when suddenly from the corner of your eye you saw him not crawling towards you like he normally did. "Harry, Hary! He's walking!" Harry dropped his fork, and quickly turned around just in time to see your son take a few more steps, before falling and bursting into tears. "He did it!" Harry said proudly, while you were more worried about jumping up and stopping his tears. "He walked!" After calming down your little boy, a smile covered your face as well, as you looked up at Harry's face that was so full of pride. "He did!!"

Louis: "She'll just keep falling," you laughed, as Louis tried once more to get your daughter to walk. She had just reached 9 months, and Louis decided today was the day she would take her first steps. He must have stood her up 100 times already, and then she would just fall right back down. "No way, she'll learn. She's smart." "Smart or not, if it's not time, then..." You were cut off mid-sentence, when Louis stood her up yet again, and she took one small wobbly step your way, and then collapsed. "Louis! Did you see that?!" With a giant smile on his face, Louis picked up your daughter, and smirked at you, "I told you she would do it." "That was one step," you reminded him, as he was placing her back on the ground. "It was still something. She'll walk soon. That was just to show you she can, and prove I'm right."

Niall: Your little girl was a fast learner when it came to walking. Within 10 months of life, she was going everywhere. Her twin though, he was a lot slower. And as you were getting ready to leave your home, for a dinner with the boys, that was on your mind. "She's been walking for 3 months," you sighed, as Niall held your son in his arms, and you held your daughter's hand, "But he just doesn't want to." "He does though," Niall assured you, "He tried to last night, but I guess he knew not to walk when you weren't there." You laughed at his comment. "I don't think that's it Niall." "Well let's see then," Niall said, as he placed your son on the ground, and stood him up, holding onto his arms, "Go on, show your mum how you want to walk." He let your son go carefully, and you stood there shocked, as he actually took his first true steps. Niall loved the look on your face, "See, I told you, he was waiting to walk when you were here."

Liam: "No, no, no," you were actually crying as your daughter took her first steps. Liam was shocked by your reaction, "[Y/N], what's wrong? Aren't you happy?" "She's still so little," you cried, feeling like only yesterday you had been in the hospital giving birth. How was she already big enough to walk? It was flying by so quickly. Each milestone was amazing, but she was growing so fast. "She's going to keep growing, before we know it, she'll be starting school, and then.." "Stop!" You cut him off, as you bent down to pick up your baby, "No, no, none of that talk. She's our baby, and she needs to stop growing." Liam just smiled at you, and nodded. He wished that were possible, but it was not, and soon more and more things would happen to show you just how fast your little girl was growing. "Let's just enjoy this moment for what it is, and not think about her growing up. Okay?"

Zayn: You and Zayn both tried for so long to get him to take those first few steps, and it would never happen. The more you tried, the more it seemed like he wanted to crawl around forever. It was starting to feel a little bit like you were trying for no reason. He would be ready when he was, and it wasn't time now. The day after you finally accepted this, and you and Zayn were outside in your backyard, you were watching him crawl around and smiled. "He sure loves to do that," you laughed, "I feel like he'll be 5 and still be totally okay just doing that all day." Zayn laughed as well, "Seriously, I think you're just worried because of how fast others tell you their kids walked. When it's time, he will." You sighed, "Yeah, I've finally accepted that." "I hope..." Zayn was not even done with that sentence, when suddenly your little boy pulled himself up by holding onto a bench, and suddenly his little legs were bringing him to you. "Baby!"

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