#61 Night Changes

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Zayn: "Zayn and I are going out tonight," you explained to your mother as you spun around in the red dress you had just changed into. It was tight fitting, and hugged you in all the right places. You felt so confident in it. "You know I don't like that kind of dress," she told you, right as Zayn opened your front door. You'd been together long enough, where he was past the point of needing to knock. "Oh look, Zayn's here." "Wow, you look stunning," he said, the moment you came into his view. The smile you had already been wearing grew over his compliment, "Thanks." With a quick goodbye to your mother, you and Zayn were out the door. "She hates this dress so much, but she's trying to be nice." Zayn looked you up and down after you said that, "We're only getting older Baby, and I guess she doesn't like that." You shrugged, and laughed softly, "Yeah, I guess not."

Liam: "Would you please slow down, you're driving too fast!" Liam told you, as you turned a corner going much quicker than he felt safe about. "I'm not going that quickly," you laughed over his nervousness, "Seriously Liam, I am going the speed limit." He still felt like it was too fast, despite the signs on the side of the road, but as he looked over at you, those thoughts began to disappear. You looked so beautiful, sitting there in the driver's seat, with the moonlight hitting your hair. "The moon is breaking through your hair." Your heart fluttered. It was not even a true compliment, but you loved the way that sounded. You loved everything about being there in that moment with him, even his nervousness over your driving. "This will sounds random, but this is something I never want to forget. Moments like this are important you know. Having no regrets is all that I really want." "And you won't regret tonight?" "Never," you smiled, as you slowed down ever so slightly, "I won't regret even a single moment with you, even if this doesn't last forever."

Harry: One moment you and Harry were out having a good time, and the next you were waking up on your bed, crying over how horrible the night had ended. You had been having such a good time for most of the night, when an argument suddenly began between you, and everything fell apart. "Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?" Harry questioned, as you turned face to face. Of course it drove you crazy. How could something that was so amazing, turn so horrible, so quickly. And now, waking up, you could just see the happiness from the night before, and knew that was long over now. "Everything that you've ever dreamed of disappearing when you wake up," you mumbled to yourself, your heart aching over the good things you knew you would be letting go when saying goodbye. You had to though, it was the right choice. Nothing could erase the hurtful things you'd both said the night before. "One night can change everything...." Harry shook his head, "It doesn't change me and you."

Louis: You had so many doubts running around in your head, as you got dressed for your first date with Louis. Was this the right thing? Would dating him end well, or end in a total disaster? Was it worth it to even try for something that could hurt? You were shaking horribly, when you were finally ready, and walked outside to see Louis waiting, hiding behind a cigarette. You frowned, "You know I don't like those." "Yes, I know Love," he smiled at you, before putting it out, "Ready to go?" "I am," you nodded, and he grabbed your hand. The one small act caused your heart to begin to beat loudly, and a huge smile covered your face. Already your nerves were at ease, and you knew this was right. You didn't want this to stop. "I'm so excited for tonight. I already know it'll be amazing."

Niall: You didn't know it yet, but you were falling for Niall already. You thought you were just enjoying a night out with the man you had only just begun seeing, but you were falling in love already. And when the moon was lighting up your skin, and your eyes were shining whenever he looked at you, Niall began falling as well. He knew it though. He knew it right away that he was in too deep already, after only two dates. Things were moving too fast, but each of you knew you'd have no regrets, and that was all you really wanted. "Is it too soon to already ask when I can see you again?" Niall questioned, only halfway through your date. You instantly blushed, and shook your head, while grabbing onto his hand, "Not at all. I would love that. Next weekend?" "Or sooner."

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