#53 Stockholm Syndrome

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Harry: Normally you have weeks, maybe even months, before you are in too deep with someone. For Harry though, it took a mere 72 hours for him to know he was head over heels for you. "I've been here for days, and already I..." he paused, not sure what to say to you. He didn't want it to sound weird, and knew admitting how strong his feelings already were could come off that way. "It's okay Harry," you assured him, because somehow, you were feeling the same way. The instant connection between the two of you was undeniable. "I feel the same." "It's a strong feeling," Harry replied, so relieved that you admitted that. It was so strange, to know already that he loved you, when he still had so much to learn about who you were. "I just keep hearing this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away." You should have found that odd, and normally would have walked away right then and there, but this was different. You could never explain it to anyone, but it was. "I keep thinking the same thing."

Zayn: It was just a one-night stand. Or that's how it started at least. Zayn was bored, and so were you. You were both staying at the same place; he was there for a concert, and you for the same reason. Somehow it all just happened. It was never meant to be anything really, just one night. But when you awoke in the morning, Zayn found himself not wanting you to leave just yet. He knew he had places to go, but he wanted to stay right there with you, and you weren't going to complain about that. You wrapped your arms around him, and felt your heart fluttering. Zayn brushed a strand of your hair out of your face, as he spoke softly, "I know they'll be coming to find me soon, but I feel I'm getting used to being held by you." A part of you told yourself not to believe him. It was still just one night, and you couldn't let yourself believe anything else, but you were having a hard time doing that, as you looked into his eyes, "I kind of never want this moment to end. Just stay right here forever."

Louis: "They say they don't recognize me anymore," Louis told you, speaking of his friends, while he held your hand. Since being with you, they'd all noticed a change in him, and no one was quite sure yet if that change was good or not. They just knew that all he did was speak of you, and how in love he was. He saw your worry over what his friends were saying in your eyes, and quickly spoke again, "Sometimes I wonder to. Who's this man that's holding your hand and talking about your eyes? I used to sing about being free, but now I've changed my mind. I don't want to be free, I want to yours." Your worry vanished, and in it's place a smile took over your face, "Are you sure? I don't want you to change for me. Just be you." "I am me," he assured you, "Maybe I talk about you too much, but I don't think that changes me. It just means i'm that happy with you. If they don't recognize me anymore, they just need to get used to Louis and [Y/N]. You're a big part of me now, and I don't think that's a bad thing."

Niall: Niall had once felt trapped by you. He felt like he had no choice but to be with you, in a relationship he did not want. It all started on your very first date, when pictures and stories leaked to the public, and you were blamed. Stories were told about how Niall had been there for you through a tough time, a time he actually had not been there. He was made to be your amazing boyfriend you you needed so badly, when really it had been one date. But leaving you, after all that had been said, he didn't have that choice. Somehow though, after that, he did fall for you. He hated that, but he couldn't stop it. The boys all thought they knew the truth, how you'd trapped him, and told him he was crazy. And when he was in your room one day, he admitted that he knew he was, but that couldn't change what he felt, "My Stockholm syndrome is in your room, right here. You have me completely. Yeah, I fell for you, even when I should have hated you. I fell for you, and I can't explain why." You smiled at him, "Because you believed me when I said I didn't do this. I didn't trap you like you say. A part of you believes me, and that's why. I hope." Niall didn't know the answer, but he didn't care, "It doesn't matter. I love you, and that's that matters."

Liam: Were you and Liam some perfect couple, who everyone knew would last forever? No, not at all. You never were that perfect together, but you still felt this undying love for the other. You didn't need to seem perfect to others, because for you, right in that moment, what you did have, it was more than enough. Liam walked hand in hand with you, and was thinking of that, when he spoke, "All my life, I've been on my own." You laughed instantly, and cut him off, "You've barely ever been single." "True, but it was different, I still felt on my own. I always felt like I needed more. Something was always missing," he clarified, "But now together we're alone, just us. Nothing else in the world could make me as happy as you do. And there's no other place I'd ever wanna go. I don't need anyone else now. I'm not on my own anymore." You were speechless. What do you say to that? So instead of talking, you just collided your lips with his, and that was all the answer he ever needed to hear.

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