#44 Your child skypes him while on tour

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Harry: Your son was very young, barely even 5, so he didn't quite understand Skype just yet. "Is Daddy really talking to us?" he asked you, as you both sat down talking to Harry. "Of course I am," Harry laughed. Your son, even with that reply, didn't understand. He looked at you confused, "It's a video, right Mum? So how is Daddy talking to us? He's not really, right?" You tried to hide your laughter, "No, it is Daddy. He's really there, so tell him hi." Your son looked back at the screen, still so confused, "Really?" "Yeah, I'm here. Tell me about school. How was it today?" Your son was hesitant, almost sure this was a joke. A joke he didn't understand. "Baby, he's really there, it's like a phone call, but you can see him." "And he hears me too?" "Yeah, I hear you," Harry laughed again, "Just talk to me. How was your day?" Your son still didn't understand, but for now just smiled and answered, "I made a drawing for Mum! Let me show you it!"

Louis: "Do you have to go sing? Are there a lot of people there? Can you just stay and talk to me? I don't want you to go." Louis smiled at your daughter, as she went on and on. He didn't mind that she wasn't letting him get a word in, he was just glad to be able to see her. When he was away for months, it was hard to not see her as she grew so quickly. Skype was the one way he didn't feel like he was completely missing her growing up. "I went shopping with mum today. We got a lot of stuff to cook when you get home. That's soon right? A week? Two? Two weeks, that's what she told me. I miss you." She finally stopped after saying that, and expected Louis to answer every single questioned she'd asked, but he could only remember a few, "I do have to go sing, but not for another hour. I'll talk to you until then. So what did you get to cook?" Your daughter quickly began speaking again, "Well Mum said it's a surprise, but..."

Niall: "Let me talk to Daddy first!" "I'm older!" "But I want to talk to him first!" Your twins began fighting over the computer the moment they saw you talking to Niall on skype. You were trying to get a few minutes to talk to him alone, but now that they saw him that was over. "This always happens," Niall laughed, as you tried to separate your kids, and calm them down. "You can both talk to him. Just sit in the chair together." "But she'll talk more!" your son exclaimed, "And he won't hear me!" "Just talk louder," your daughter replied, as she grabbed the chair, and sat on half, "Hi Daddy." "Wait! Let me talk to him!" Your little boy climbed onto the seat as well, "Daddy, I loss another tooth!" "Well I got an A in spelling!" "The tooth fairy gave me money, and I am going to buy legos." "I'm proud of both of you. An A is amazing, and so is you losing another tooth. You're both growing up so much." Your little boy beamed, while your daughter began talking again excitedly, "We went to the zoo today! I saw a monkey, and..."

Liam: Your daughter was waiting at the computer for over ten minutes when she knew Liam was about to call. She was so excited to talk to her dad, and the moment you could see his face, she was talking. "Daddy!" "Hi Baby, hi [Y/N]. I miss you both so much." You smiled at your husband, but couldn't get a word in before your daughter was talking again. "I've been practicing my singing! Do you want to hear me?! I wanted to show you how good I am!" Liam nodded, with a small smile on his face. How could he possible say no? "She's been practicing non-stop so she was her best when you called," you explained, as your daughter stood up to sing. "Okay, here I go..." She took a deep breath, and began singing her favorite song from the movie she made you watch with her over and over again. She was actually really good, and hit most of the notes perfectly, so when she was done Liam was not just giving her the typical parent reply when he spoke. "Wow. You sound so good! How much did you practice?" "A lot," she said proudly, "I am going to sing one of your songs next time! I can't wait for you to hear that!"

Zayn: "Look at this!" Your son said, as he held up his calendar for Zayn to see. He had begged you for that calendar for weeks, before you finally bought it. At that time you didn't know why he had wanted it so badly, but quickly you realized, and now he was telling Zayn. "I wrote down the days until me and Mum go to the concert!! I'm so excited!" Zayn's heart melted a little. Your son was so excited over a piece of paper, because it meant he was going to get to see him soon. "So you look everyday?" "Mhm, five days til we fly next time. And then 3 weeks til you're home. I wrote all of it down. Mum helped me." Zayn always counted down the days as well, so of course he knew how long it would be, but this was special, "Well you need to call me everyday and tell me how long it is. You can keep track of that for me and Mum." Your son's face lit up, "Okay! Yeah! I'll do that! Will you tell me anything else I can put on it? I'll write it all down, and tell you how far away it is!"

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