#134 He did something dangerous & you're upset

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Louis: "What were you thinking?!" You screamed at Louis, as soon as he got home, a day after jumping out of the sky. You had thought he was joking with you when he told you he planned to go skydiving, so you hadn't said much before he did it. Now that it had actually happened though, you were furious. "What went through your mind when you decided to jump out of a plane?! You could have gotten hurt!" "It's called skydiving," Louis countered, not understanding your anger, "And I'm fine [Y/N]. It was fun, and I didn't get hurt." You tried to control your anger, as you snapped back at him, "You could have gotten hurt though! What would I have done if anything happend to you?! Please don't do that again."

Niall: "I saw every single picture that was taken," you snapped at Niall over the phone. You would have much preferred screaming at him in person, but you were too far apart for that to be an option. "You told me you were doing nothing exciting, and yet you went climb the side of a mountain?!" Niall silently cursed the paparazzi who'd gotten those photos, before replying to you, "I knew you'd freak out though, and so yeah, I lied. I didn't get hurt, and it's over now. So it's not a big deal." You rolled your eyes, "You're right. Maybe next week I'll go bungee jumping off a cliff, and after I'm okay or not, then I'll let you know." Niall sighed, "I'm sorry [Y/N]. I should have told you. Next time I'll let you know before it happens. I promise."

Zayn: "That was the most terrifying thing I have ever done," Zayn told you, still trying to catch his breath after getting out of the water. Only minutes earlier he'd been in a cage swimming with shark, which was so scary for you to watch. You had your arms crossed one over the other, as you replied angrily to him, "I did tell you it was dangerous." He dried himself off, before trying to put an arm around you, but you pulled away quickly. "Are you that upset that I did this?" "Yes," you responded, with horrible thoughts crossing through your mind, "I know they said you were safe, but what if you weren't?" Tears filled your eyes after saying that, and Zayn realized how much this bothered you. "I'm okay [Y/N], and I promise I will never do it again. It was a one time thing. It was fun, but now it's over."

Liam: "Cliff diving?" you questioned, not sure what Liam had just admitted he'd done. You had never heard of that before, but had a good idea of what it must be. "It's basically sky diving, but off a cliff not out of a plane," he explained, and then he watched as your face fell, "I knew you'd find out, so I thought I would tell you myself." "You jumped off a cliff?" He nodded in response to your question, "It was a last minute, crazy thing to decide to do, but really fun." As you pictured it in your mind, you began yelling at him; which he knew was coming. "Of all the things to do when you're bored, that's what you decided?! What could possible make you think that was a good idea?!" He shrugged, and shook his head, "I don't know. It seemed fun at the time, but I see now how dangerous it was."

Harry: Harry did not understand why you were so upset over what he had just done. It did not seem like a big deal in his mind at all. "Millions of people kayak everyday." You shook your head, and looked at the rushing water Harry'd been in such a short time ago, "Most sane people are not in water that dangerous. You could have really gotten hurt in there." "But I didn't get hurt," Harry stressed to you, "And it was fun. You should have come too. You would have enjoyed it so much." You shook your head once again, "No thanks. I cried and worried enough when it was you out there. I could never do that. I'd probably have a panic attack or something." Harry finally realized how much you had worried, and felt horrible for causing it. "I'm sorry [Y/N]. I didn't realize it scared you that much."

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