#85 Telling the other boys you're pregnant

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Liam: "Why did you wait so long to tell us?!" All the others boys already knew the truth by the time you and Liam told them the exciting news. You had waited so long to tell anyone, worried about every little detail, that it wasn't really a secret anymore. You had begun to show weeks ago, and everyone wanted to question you for a while now, but knew that wasn't something you're supposed to ask. So they just waited, and were so glad you finally decided to tell them. Liam placed an arm around your waist, as he proudly told his friends what he'd wanted to say for weeks, "Y/N] just wanted to wait a while, but now we're ready to tell you guys that we're having a little girl." The smiles that covered all their faces, as they congratulated you and Liam, would forever be stuck in your mind.

Harry: As scared as you had been to tell Harry that you were pregnant, it was even scarier to tell the other boys in a way. At least with Harry you did know that he loved you, and you assumed he would be there for you no matter what. You weren't sure about the others though, and worried they would be angry over this, and how it could affect their careers. But as Harry spoke to his friends, and you stood there next to him, you tried not to show the worry on your face. "[Y/N] is pregnant." A moment felt like forever as you waited for someone to speak. You were already hearing the worst in your mind, when Zayn was the first to speak up, followed by the same words from everyone else. "That's great!"

Louis: You did not exactly have to tell the other boys anything. Louis was so happy to be a dad, that he was blurting it out to anyone he saw. You would have waited a little longer to tell anyone, but you were not going to tell him to stop. So when a week after you told him the big news, you were inside of a recording studio, while the boys worked on their next album; you knew everyone already was told about your child. "So are you as excited as he is?" Niall asked, as he sat next to you, during a break. You smiled to yourself, "I think so. I'm more scared I think, but I'm happy. I'm just really glad he's so excited. I was worried." Niall glanced towards where Louis was telling Liam excitedly yet again about your baby, "Trust me, he's so happy. He really loves you, and can't wait to be a dad."

Niall: "Me and [Y/N] are having a baby," Niall said plainly, while you ate dinner with all the other boys. It took a few seconds for what he said to sink in, and then instantly all eyes were on you. As if looking at you would confirm what he said. "You're pregnant?" You suddenly felt embarrassed to have everyone staring at you, and glanced down as you mumbled an answer, "Mhm." You were filled with so much joy over the situation, and had wanted this for so long, but that did not take away the fact you did not enjoy being the focus of everyone's attention. "Congratulations!" "That's awesome!" You looked over at Niall, who was beaming after telling his friends, and a smile covered your face. "Thank you. We're both really excited over our child."

Zayn: As excited as you both were over your pregnancy, telling the others just wasn't something you were looking forward to. "What if they get angry? What if they hate me, and they don't want you to be stuck with me forever?" Zayn laughed at your questions, "[Y/N], don't worry, they love you. This is exciting news, and we should be happy to tell them." You were truly worried, and felt yourself shaking, "I just don't know how they'll react." "Even if it is bad, they don't really matter," Zayn replied honestly, knowing you two were the only ones that mattered, "Let's just tell them." He then grabbed your hand, and pulled you into the next room, where all his friends were sitting. "We have something to tell you." He paused for a second, and you took it upon yourself to be the one to break the news. "I'm pregnant." Fear filled you in those few moments before all you could see were smiles in your direction, "[Y/N], that's awesome!"

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