#70 Your child's first day of school

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HarryFive minutes before the alarm clock was set to go off, you were awoken by your son jumping on your bed. "Wake up! Wake up! It's time for school!" It took you and Harry a few moments to truly wake up, and see that your son was fully dressed, jumping up and down with joy. "I guess you're ready?" Harry asked, as he sat up, shocked at your son's excitement. He had not been talking about school at all in the week leading up today, and yet clearly he was very excited over it. "I'm going to learn!" Your son beamed, his little smile growing even more, "And I'm going to get smartest. I already know my ABC's because mama taught me." You smiled, and Harry just laughed, "But you know them wrong." "No!" You and your son both defended, as he crossed his little arms. "Say them." "A B..." your son began to say them proudly, and said them all in perfect order, "X, Y, and Z." "Zed." You rolled your eyes, "Both are right Harry." "But he's going to school in the UK, so it's Zed." "He still knows it Harry." Your son was still smiling, and ignoring your small argument, "I'm smart! I can also count to 30! Watch! One, Two, Three..."

Louis: Your daughter was anything but ready for her first day of school. As you tried to get her out the front door, she was clinging to Louis' leg, begging not to go. "Please Daddy, I don't want to. Please, please don't make me!" It was a friend's child who had scared her so horribly, telling her that school was an awful place, and that she would hate it. So now, before she even had her first day, her mind was set. "I hate it!" "It'll be fun," Louis tried to tell her, but she wasn't listening. "No, I want to stay here with you! Mum, can't I stay?" Your heart was shattering, as you shook your head, "You have to go today, but we promise, it'll be so much fun. Forget what they told you, and go have fun, and make friends." She wiped her eyes, and shook her head, "I don't want to." Louis scooped her up into his arms, and spoke to her softly, as you finally walked out the door, "Your mum and I would never send you if it was that horrible. We promise, kindergarden is fun." "Promise?" You nodded, as Louis answered, hoping he was right, "Yeah, it'll be so much fun."

Niall: "One kid can't wait," Niall began, as he watched your daughter beaming with joy over her first day of school, "And the other..." When he trailed off, you both glanced at your little boy, who was sitting sadly in his carseat, so upset to be leaving home. He was totally attached to you, and not looking forward to spending everyday elsewhere. "Baby, you know that it's only a few hours, and then you get to come right back home." "But I don't want to go," your son cried, and you saw your daughter reach to grab his hand. "It's going to be okay," she told him, sounding so much older than him, and not the exact same age, "We're going to have fun today." "Promise you'll stay with me all day," your son begged, the thought of being separate from his sister just too much for him. Your daughter nodded, "I promise." You were so glad you had twins who were so close, and you felt calm now, as you looked at Niall, feeling so much pride, "We have two amazing kids." Niall nodded, so proud of your little girl for calming her brother down, "We do."

Liam: On your daughter's first day of school, you were not prepared at all. Sure you and Liam had purchased everything she could possibly need, but that did not mean you were actually ready. "She's still a baby," you mumbled to Liam, careful not to allow your daughter to hear your worries. She was so excited for school, and you wanted it to stay that way. "She is," Liam nodded, as he watched your daughter excitedly grab her backpack, "But look how excited she is. She's going to be fine [Y/N]." You knew that was true, and nodded. She had been looking forward to this day for so long, and you knew she would be okay. "I just don't want her to grow up. How is she in school already?" Liam grabbed your hand, and could see the tears you were holding back, and just as he was about to reply, your little girl ran up with a huge smile on her face. "Come on, let's go! I can't be late for school!"

Zayn: Your son felt neither excitement nor scared for his first day of school. He really didn't understand what it was, and when he asked, you and Zayn both were not sure what to say. No, school was not the best place. Neither of you could say it was amazing or someplace you wished you could go back to. But to your five year old, you could not say those words. Neither of you wanted to lie to him though, and give him false hope of what school would be. Finally, Zayn was the one who answered him, as honestly as he could, "It's different for everyone. But if you go there, and you try to make friends, I'm sure you'll have one. And one is more than enough, or if you make many, that's good to. Just be nice to them all. No matter what, be nice to everyone. But if someone is mean to you, you have to tell me or your mum, or a teacher." Your son nodded, not understanding why anyone would ever be mean to him. He wasn't going to be mean, so they wouldn't; that is what he naively thought. "I promise to be nice! So it's going to be so much fun!"

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