He's getting married to someone else Part 4

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Harry: There are very few things you can do that will cause people to hate you more than ruining a wedding. You knew that fact when Harry offered to leave with you. You knew exactly how horrible it would make you look. You didn't care though. Could you let Harry go all over what others would think of you? You knew the answer was no. So you left with Harry, with every eye in the room on you. You knew this would break his fiancee's heart, and you did feel bad for her; but you could not focus on her. Not now. Your heart was souring as you got into your car with Harry. "Are you sure about this?" You had to ask him that. He was making such a huge decision to leave his own wedding. You had to be sure. Harry paused a moment. All the glares he'd seen minutes ago crossed his mind, as well as his fiancee who he did truly care about. "I am. I care about her, but she deserves someone you loves her as much as I love you."

Louis: Hearing Louis' apology broke your heart even further. He was so kind even as he shattered your heart. Why couldn't he be a jerk so you'd hate him? Then you would not be in so much pain, and would not have cried your eyes out when you arrived home. The tears just fell for so long. Nothing stopped them at all until your phone rang, and you reached to answer it, "H-hello?" "You're crying?" It was Louis' voice on the other end. You instantly wanted to hide your tears. Show him he didn't hurt you. You couldn't though, it was pointless. "Yeah." Louis didn't want to assume he was the reason, though he knew he was, "I'm sorry." You did not want to talk to him much longer. His voice was causing you pain. "What do you want?" He sighed, "I just got dumped because I told my fiancee that I talked to you, and that I hate hurting you." "Dumped? Why would she do that?" Your tears were slowing. You felt bad. Was this your fault? "She could see the truth I guess. I'm not over you, and she didn't like that." "I'm sorry." Louis knew he should be upset, but he wasn't, "Don't be, I'm glad. She was right. I know that. I was actually calling to see if you'd like to get lunch tomorrow?" Before you could think at all of what was happening, you were answering, "I'd love that."

Zayn: You were not sure your friend was right about what she said saw. Why would Zayn be so miserable, if he had proposed to this girl only a short time ago? However, you had to at least call him and see how he was. The beginning of your conversation was nothing but small talk. Neither of you mentioned the wedding set for tomorrow at all. At least not for a while. "So tomorrow huh?" You finally asked, regretting bringing it up as soon as you did. Zayn took a while to respond, "Yeah." "Are you excited?" You did not want to hear yes, but you needed to know. "I'm supposed to say yes, right?" Your heart shattered. You wanted him happy, even if it broke your heart to see him with anybody else. "It's your wedding. You love her." Across town, Zayn was shaking his head, "She kept dropping hints about marriage, and so I did what she wanted and proposed, but I don't want this. Not with her." You sighed sadly, "I'm sorry. So are you going to call it off then?" He should have called it off weeks ago, he knew that, but could never find a good enough reason. Hearing your voice, and realizing how much he loved you, that was finally enough. "Yeah, I am."

Liam: You could not call Liam in the morning. You tried, but fears of what he would say stopped you. What if he said you could no longer even be friends? What if he never spoke to you again? All those awful thoughts kept the tears rolling down your face, and kept you from dialing his number. When you did not call though, Liam did it himself. He wanted to speak to you. After a full night, he was thinking much more clearly. "Hey [Y/N]," he said, when you answered the phone without a word, "I'm sorry I couldn't talk much last night. I was shocked. You have to understand I was not expecting that. I really thought you were over us, and you were happy for me." He paused, but you still did not speak, so he continued on. "I miss you horribly, but I don't want to say I don't love her. I don't know what to think. I'm so confused now. She's great, and she's nice, and she's never done anything wrong. I was really going to marry her." You did not want to hear all of this. Your tears were falling faster, as he finished speaking. "She's not you though. I don't have a reason to end things with her, other than she's not you. If I have a chance with you again, then there is no one else in the world I want to be with."

Niall: Yet another day passed. In less than 48 hours Niall would be married to somebody else, and that drove you crazy. There was nothing more you could do though. You had tried, and that one thought was the one thing you felt good about. You told him how you felt. You didn't beg or fight to win him back, but he was happy, and you had to accept that. While you were thinking all of this, laying on your couch, there was a knock on your front door, followed by it opening slightly. You panicked for a moment, until you heard Niall's voice. "[Y/N]? Hello? Your door is unlocked. Can I come in?" You jumped up, "Yeah. Of course. What are you doing here?" You never expected him to show up at your house today. He closed the door behind him, and hesitated for a moment, "I um, I was wondering about what you said yesterday. Did you mean it? Do you really miss me? Enough to not run If we tried again?" You nodded sadly, "I would never let you go over my stupid fears ever again. I regret it so badly. But now you're happy, and I accept that." Niall knew this was too fast, but he didn't care, "I called off the wedding last night. I can't do this. Not to her, or to you..."

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