#115 You're sick

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Zayn: "[Y/N]'s had what we thought was just a cold, for almost two months now," Zayn told the doctor, while you were too busy coughing to speak at all, "She thought it would get better on it's own, but she's only gotten worse." Hearing your boyfriend's voice shake slightly at the end of his sentence, made you so petrified. You were already scared, but that only made it worse. You knew you were really sick, and that this was not the common cold. Hearing Zayn scared though, that really showed you how bad this was. "I'm scared," you mumbled, loud enough for both your doctor and Zayn to hear you. Zayn hated to hear you say that, but your doctor was not as quick to panic, "It could still just be a cold. A bad one, but just a cold. Or maybe it's the flu. We don't know what it is, but we'll run some test today, and we'll figure this out, and get you better." You tried to smile and say thank you, but before you could, another coughing fit overtook you, and you could say nothing at all.

Harry: It was completely heartbreaking for Harry to see you lying in a hospital bed, as sick as could be. Every time he saw you lying there, he felt like he could cry. You'd been ill for months now, and nothing was making you better. The doctors had said you had a high chance of going home one day, but it was lowering with everyday that you stayed sick. "I love you [Y/N]," Harry told you. Those three words had falling from both of your lips in the past year more than they'd ever been spoken before. Both of you realized how much you never wanted to be without the other, and how much you wanted the other to always know what they meant to you. "I love you too." You smiled at him, and reached for his hand, careful not to pull out your IV's. "I'm so tired, but I don't want you to leave." Harry leaned down to kiss you, before replying, "I'll stay. Just rest, and get better. That's all you have to do."

Liam: "[Y/N], please go to a doctor," Liam begged, when he saw you weakly holding onto the counter in your kitchen, trying to stay upright. "I'm fine," you lied. You really weren't. It had been weeks since you felt like yourself. Some days you'd start to feel a little better, and you'd get hope that it was over, but it never lasted for more than an hour. You were stubborn though, and refused to accept that you were sick. "You will never get better, if you don't know what's wrong." You shook your head, "Nothing is wrong." "You can barely stand you're so weak," Liam pointed out, "If nothing is wrong, you shouldn't be scared to go to the doctor's then." You tried to think of a good comeback to that, but you couldn't. So instead, you just told Liam the truth. Or tried to at least. "What if..." You couldn't finish that sentence, but Liam could feel in the blanks, "If you're really sick, then we'll do everything to make sure you get better. Please just go find out what's wrong."

Niall: Niall knew it was bad. He knew you were doing a lot worse than you were telling him. He'd been there all along, from the moment you were first sick, to the time when your hair began falling out, to the millions of doctor's appointments. He'd seen you slowly going down before you even knew a thing, and he was the first to ask you what was wrong. He noticed everything about you, and that included the fact you were getting worse and lying to him about it. He didn't tell you that he knew though. If you wanted to lie, and say you were better, he would let you. He knew that may be how you were able to cope with it all. Just saying you were better, maybe that helped you. "You're feeling good [Y/N]?" he asked you again, when he was woken up by you tossing and turning. You forced a smile across your face, "I am feeling so much better." It wasn't really true, but it wasn't a total lie either. You were slowing feeling better, but you were still so far from okay. Niall was right. You just couldn't say it. A lie made you feel so much stronger.

Louis: Over many months, Louis noticed you were losing weight. It wasn't much at first, just a pound or two. He didn't think that was anything to worry about. Suddenly though, you lost even more, and did not fit into any of your clothes. That was when Louis began to panic. "I'm worried," Louis told you one day, "I think something is wrong." You already knew that. You'd been dealing with a lot that he didn't know. "I didn't want to scare you," you slowly replied, automatically doing just that, "I went the doctor, because I noticed I was tired and losing weight, and a lot was going on with me that I didn't understand." Louis didn't say a thing when you froze. He wanted you to finish. "They ran a few test, and so far they don't know what's wrong. I'm really sick though. I know that much. I wanted to know what it was, before I told you. I'm sorry." Those two words were all Louis needed to hear, to finally respond, "Don't apologize. I'm glad I know, but I understand why you'd wait." He didn't know what else to say. It was a lot to take in, the thought of you being sick. But he knew he'd be there for you, and stick with you no matter what was coming next. "I love you [Y/N], and I'm here for you no matter what." "Thanks. I love you too."

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