#91 At an amusement park

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Harry"I am so tired," you whispered to Harry, as you rested you head on his shoulder. It was 10 o'clock at night, and the park was just closing. You'd been there all day, from the moment the doors opened, til the very second they closed. And as fun as it was, it was now time to go home. "Me too," he replied, holding your hand tightly, "I had a good day though. It was nice to do something fun before I have to leave." you ignored his words about him leaving soon, and thought back to your day, "It was nice. I've never stayed at a park from opening to closing before. That was a long day. I loved it so much. We should make that a tradition. Maybe a new park every year?" Harry thought that sounded like a great idea. "Maybe not all day long next time?" you were yawning as you replied, "Maybe, but that was part of the fun."

Liam: The energy all around, as you and Liam walked around the amusement park, was something that nothing else could replace. Everywhere you turned there were more rides, good food, and people have an amazing time. "This is really fun," you told him, as the two of you stood in a short line to ride your favorite ride once again; for a third time that day. It was a nice time to be at the park. It wasn't crowded at all. You and Liam were able to ride many rides, and go in and out of things quickly, without waiting hours for anything to happen. He looked around and smiled, "We should come back here. It's much better than the big parks, where the lines last forever." You nodded at his comment, "I agree. I like it here a lot better." You still had many hours to enjoy your time though, before you had to leave and worry about next time. "So what ride do you want to go on next?"

Louis: "I think I'd be sick if I rode that ride," you commented, as you and Louis watched a ride spin around and around. "Oh come on [Y/N], it's probably really fun," Louis replied, as he grabbed your hand, "We should go ride it." "And if I get sick? I'd like to enjoy the rest of the day." You'd gotten to the park less than an hour ago, and It was still so early. You were scared one ride could cause the day to already be over, and that didn't sound fun to you. Louis did not think that would happen though, "I doubt it. You'lll enjoy it. And if you get sick... well we'll come back another day, and save that ride for last then." You laughed, as he began pulling you towards the ride, "So we'll ride it again either way?" "Of course," he said jokingly, "What's the fun of staying away from a ride just because it makes you sick?"

Zayn: "The food is the best part of coming here," you explained to Zayn, as you both walked into your favorite theme park. It was his first time being there, and you felt he needed to know that fact.  There was so much to tell him about how amazing your favorite park was. About the rides, the fun you had, and everything else, but the food you smelled right as you walked in, reminded you of how good it is. "Normally amusment parks have food that's not really great, but here, it's amazing. You'll love it." Zayn didn't really care about the food. He wasn't currently hungry. He didn't even care if the park was the best park or not. He just loved the smile on your face, and how excited you were to show him around. That was why he knew he'd have a good time no matter what. "I'm sure it'll be amazing."

Niall: The heat was so strong that day. Standing in line, all you could do was fan yourself, and wish that you'd brought a bottle of water with you; not that they'd allow you to bring it on the ride, but in line it would be nice to have. "It's so hot," Niall commented, just as you were pulling your hair away from your neck, and into a ponytail. "It is," you agreed, "We had to pick the hottest day of the year to come to an amsument park? Next year, let's try a waterpark instead." Niall quickly nodded his head in agreement, "I think a waterpark sounds really good right now. Water. Slides. Cool." You closed your eyes and pictured that, "So perfect. Better than standing and melting in this heat all day. As fun as the rides are, water is so much better." Niall nodded once again, "Then we know what we're doing next year already. That was easy to plan."

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