#93 He's getting married to someone else

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Harry: You were happy for him. You really were. Or maybe you just tried to convince yourself that was true. Hearing that Harry was getting married though, it hurt you horribly. To think he would be her's forever, and you would just be his ex. Or not even his ex. You'd never really dated. You'd always had something in the way stopping you. A boyfriend. A girlfriend. Distance. Something always stopped you. You thought it would all work out though, but now it did not look that way, and it hurt. But as he handed you an invitation, asking if you'd go, you forced a smile across your face, "Of course I'm going to be there. I wouldn't miss it."

Louis: "Louis is getting married." Hearing your best friend slowly telling you those words about your ex-boyfriend, caused you to almost drop the steaming cup of coffee you were currently holding. "What?!" "I saw it this morning. I'm guessing you didn't know?" " No." One word was all you could get out, as you tried to control your emotions. How could he be getting married? Wasn't it too soon? You'd been together only months ago. "I know this is horrible, and I'm sorry [Y/N]." You felt tears in your eyes, but you pretended they weren't there.  "I'm okay, really." Your heart was breaking, as you thought of how happy he must be with his fiancée. "I guess he's happy with her... That's great. Really, it's great."

Zayn: Your heart ached as you sat in shock over the news. Zayn, the love of your life, was getting married. "How could this happen?" Tears were pouring down your eyes, and there was no use for you to try to hide them. "He-he's really marrying her?" The friend who had been the one to tell you the horrible news, nodded sadly, "He called this morning to tell me." Everything in you hurt, as you sat there thinking of Zayn watching another woman walk down the aisle to him, "This is not how it was supposed to happen." Your friend sat next to you, and hugged you tightly, "I know you thought things would go back to how they were, but..." You did not want to hear whatever she was going to say, "I just can't believe it's really over. It never felt real until now. A year later. How stupid am I? I really thought he still loved me."

Liam: "I just wanted to be the one to tell you." Liam finished with that, as if having your ex tell you that he was moving on for good, was somehow better than hearing it from a friend. Actually it was worse. Now you had to pretend you were okay. You couldn't breakdown in front of him, as much as you wanted to. "Oh..." "I know we never really... We've talked about maybe trying again one day and all that. I just wanted you to know that I'm marrying her now. So yeah." It was so awkward for both of you, but he knew you had to know sooner lor later. You didn't know what to say, so you just said the first thing that popped into your mind, that wasn't awful, "I'm glad you found someone you love that much."

Niall: Everyone was so happy for them. Everyone went on and on about how perfect they were, and how amazing their marriage would. It all made you so sick. You hated her. She hated you. It was mutual. It shouldn't have been this way. Niall should have been yours, but becaue you'd gotten scared of falling so fast, and walked away, he was now more than happy with someone else. When you'd ran away from it all, you'd thought he'd try and win you back. He didn't though, he just let you have your space. He didn't wait at all. He moved on, like he should, but it broke your heart into a million pieces. "It's all my fault, but it still doesn't make him moving on feel any better," you cried to your best friend, "I want him back so badly, and now my chance is gone."

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