#17 He has to choose between you and his girlfriend

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Louis: "She hates you," Louis mumbled, as the two of you laid together watching a movie. You did not need to ask him who he was referring to. You knew what his girlfriend thought of you. "I know," you sighed deeply, "So what are you going to do?" "With the way things are going, I have to pick one of you. I'll destroy both relationships if I don't." He hated to admit that, but it was the truth. You did not see things that way though. "You won't destroy us. You can't." Louis paused the movie he was no longer watching, and replied quietly, "If I stay with her, she'll push me away from you. I do have to pick." You tried to force a smile across your face, but could not fake it, "And you love her." "I do," he admitted, but then shook his head, "But not enough. I can't pick her over you. I shouldn't have to." Again, you just could not force a smile across your face, "Are you sure about that? You deserve to be happy." He smiled softly, "And I will be, I promise. I won't pick her over you."

Niall: Friendship was all that ever existed between you and Niall. Maybe you each found the other attractive, but even so, all you saw was friendship. Then he got a girlfriend, and that all changed. Suddenly you wanted so much more, and you couldn't have it. "I've tried for months to be okay," you finally told Niall sadly, knowing this could ruin what you did have, "But I'm not okay with you being with her. I'm sorry. I didn't think I would have these feelings, but I do. I don't think I can be around you anymore, and watch you happy with her. I'm sorry. I hate myself for feeling this way." Getting that off your chest felt so good, but you also felt worse than ever as you stared at Niall's face. He didn't respond. He just stared at you. "Niall, please say something." He continued to stare at you for a while. His best friend. How could he lose you over some girl he did not even love yet? "I'd pick you." "What?" You were confused by what he finally did say. "If it was between you and her, I'd pick you."

Liam: Being his best friend should have meant something, and it did. Of course it did. Just not enough. "I really love her," Liam told you quietly, ashamed to say what he was about to say, "And I can't lose her over you. I'm sorry. You are so important to me, but it's come down to one or the other." "And you chose her," you barely got out. Your heart was shattering. You weren't the one making him pick, so why where you the one being pushed out of his life? "I don't want to lose you Liam," you cried, feeling so much anger in that moment as well as sadness. "I'm sorry." That was all Liam could say, as he tried to remind himself how much he loved her. How much he could not imagine not being with her. "I plan to marry her, and I have to do what's right." You bit your lip, trying to fight back more tears, as you coldly replied, "I hope she says yes. It would suck for you to lose both of us." "[Y/N], I'm sorry," Liam said honestly. It didn't matter to you though. "Whatever. I hope you're happy with her."

Zayn: You refused to let yourself get in the way of Zayn and his girlfriend. When he was with her, you tried not to call or bother him. You understand what it could look like to her, if another girl was always around, so you backed off. It did not help though, as Zayn explained to you. "She thinks I'm cheating with you." You laughed at that. "She's out of her mind." Zayn's laughter now matched your own, "Yeah, I told her that too. She's convinced that if that's true, that we're not together, I'll have no problems cutting you off." All your laughter ended instantly. You were sure you heard him wrong. "What?" He took a deep breath, "She said that if I want to be with her, I can't..." "Be my friend? Seriously?!" Zayn nodded. "That's crazy." "It is," he agreed, "Which is why I broke up with her. I'm not going to pick one or the other. I'll find someone better, who will understand that, and won't make me pick. Someone who will understand I am close to you, but that doesn't mean I'm cheating with you."

Harry: Harry never wanted to pick. He loved both of you in different ways, and could not imagine his life without either of you. You were okay with that. Why should he have to pick between his girlfriend, and his best friend? She however, was not okay with that. "If you love me, it shouldn't be hard. I don't want her around anymore," she told him, after he repeatedly refused to cut you out of his life. "If you are really happy with her, then you should do it Harry. Don't mess things up," you explained to him, after he told you all she had said. "But I don't want to cut you off," Harry replied, with a shake of his head, "I'm not going to get rid of my best friend to make my girlfriend happy." "She won't be your girlfriend for long if you don't," you warned him, "And you love her. I see that." "I do," he nodded. "Then do what's best. I know you're not doing this to be cruel, it's just how it is. You love her, and I can't change that." This felt more like you choosing for him, but that was probably for the best anyway. "I love you Harry, but our friendship has to end. You have to make sure things are okay with her." You were in so much pain, but held it together for now. "Just be with the woman you love."

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