9. Suspicious Activity

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3rd POV

Atlanta walks in the hallways of the school with Ginny(sadly), Padma, Max, and Marcus. She wears the outfit from her photoshoot this morning, due to the fact she was going to be late for school and the drive would had been long.

Atlanta's POV

Atlanta's POV

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"My mom is so pissed that we lied

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"My mom is so pissed that we lied. I'm so grounded she almost didn't let me come for callbacks today," Max rambles on complaining.

The girl then lets out a dramatic gasp. "What if she doesn't let me go to Sophomore Sleepover?" She asks.

"What's Sophomore Sleepover?" Ginny asks, her tone showing that she has no interest in what Max has been saying.

"Only the sexiest night of the year," Max answers.

Padma rolls her eyes and gives Ginny an actual answer. "It's when the Sophomores sleep at school. It's what Sophomores get instead of prom. I cannot wait for Junior Prom," she gushes, looking up at Marcus while clinging onto him.

Marcus gives a confused yet tired expression. He's literally an entire fucking mood right now. "Isn't that not until May?" He asks the girl.

"You are such an asshole," she says to him jokingly.

"All right," is all he responds with. They both kiss, which causes me to seethe from anger and get chills because of my disgust towards them.

I see Ginny roll her eyes out of jealousy; Max gag from the love and affection shared between Padma in her brother. "Um, I have to pee," Ginny informs Max, obviously lying.

Max jumps up in happiness. "Oh, fun! I'll come," she says excitedly, resulting in me raising an eyebrow up at her.

The only time I'm asking my friends to come to the bathroom with me is because we going to be smoking and vaping. I look over and see Marcus leaning on the lockers on his phone.

"No, it's cool. I'll meet you there," Ginny tells Max ushering for her to leave, practically pushing her.

"Later, loser," Marcus calls out after his sister.

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