21. Reminisce

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

As Georgia was on the phone, discussing with an anonymous person on what to do after Atty's incident, Atlanta Miller herself lays beside Marcus. She felt stuck, not knowing how to feel at the current moment.

Well, she wasn't stuck enough to not take a shower and do her nightly routine, but Atty felt mentally stuck. She lays in her bed with Marcus right beside her as Georgia relocated back to her own room. Marcus worries for Atty. She has been quiet ever since everything happened.

From the chase to whatever happened in her past, it was taking a toll on her and the effects worry Marcus. Despite him frolicking around with Padma and Ginny, well, not really Padma as he knows he doesn't want to be in a relationship and that's established, but that's beside the point.

Marcus remains distressed over Atty's incident. Seeing her break down, he gets pushed into the memories of his friend who was battling cancer. The struggling of his friend and him not being able to do anything about. Even though it was inevitable to help his friend, he wants to help Atty. No repeat of having to get over another close person's death.

No repeats!


Atty's POV

I lay in Marcus arms as my mind wanders on everything that's going on. My past just fucking had to come back and haunt my ass. It's only been 3 years. Who would know where I am? If it's someone in town, how would they know about what happened? Who the hell is after me?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the feeling of a nudge. I turn to face the only person that would be touching me. Marcus Baker.

He attempts to send a warming smile my way. "How are you feeling?" He asks warily.

From not talking for a bit, my voice comes out hoarse and a bit rough. "I-I'm not doing so good," I truthfully admit. After all, he practically knows everything that's going on. What if he becomes a target himself because of my faults.

Marcus pulls me closer as if he can sense my distress. "We'll fix whatever's going on," he attempts to assures me.

I shake my head in denial. "No, this is all my doing. My past has finally came back to me. I knew there was a chance of them coming back for me," I mumble out as I stare blankly at my wall.

I feel Marcus shift from beside me. "What are a you talking about?" He asks me, all the confusion can be heard in his voice.

A broken smile crosses my face. "3 years ago, I was in love. In love with a boy who I honestly dreamt loved me too. I was blinded," I begin, letting him in on the background. I look over at Marcus to see if he was actually listening.

He looks invested as his eyes are set on me. I then continue on. "His name was Jordan. I guess everyone was right about the Js. Anyways, we were in love. Or I was. After a couple of minutes, Jordan start showing his true colors. He would hit me and gaslight me. Due to how innocent I was, I believed him. I could take the beatings, but whenever he asked for sex, I would deny him. He would only get more pissed and the beatings would be harsher," I inform Marcus. His hands ball up into fists as his jaw clenches.

He looks down as if he's trying to withhold his anger. "I want to fucking kill that bastard!" The Baker boy seethes out. A small smile forms on my face. Too bad that he's already.

"In my little mind, I was stuck that I could fix him. When I found out about him being with another girl, I finally was fed up and confronted him about it. He stated that it's my own fault and r-raped me in my own room, leaving me on the floor dirty and in pain. My mother was the one to find. We were both in pain. Mines from the abuse and hers for believing that she failed as a mother for letting her daughter go through the same tragic events she went through," I further explain, tears forming in my eyes as the memories come back to me.

"That's why y'all are so close isn't it?" Marcus asks.

I nod to confirm as I wipe away the tears starting to fall. "We told no one. It was between the both of us. We attempted to tell the police but no one would believe a Mexican girl over a privileged, wealthy white boy that's on the football team. I got my revenge though. 3 months later I had lured him into an old cabin filled with carbon monoxide, locking everything so he couldn't escape. Mom created an alibi as that we were out of town, so when his family accused of, they held no evidence. His case was ruled an accident and we were free, until..." I come to the end of my story.

"This incident," Marcus finishes my words for me. I nod my head in agreement. He lets out a sigh. "This is a lot."

I let out a heavy sigh. "I get t-this is a lot, and you can leav-" I go off to say, stuttering, but he interrupts me.

"Atlanta, I'm not leaving your side," he states, firmly. "No matter if you killed that guy, he had it coming. Whether it be me or your mother, he would've died regardless."

"Add my father to that list as well. He will do anything for his precious mija. No matter the circumstances," I inform Marcus, looking at him dead in his eyes.

He grabs ahold of my hand, intertwining it with his, and placing a lingering kiss on. His brown eyes stare into mines. "We're in this together," he whispers to me.

I send him a smile, which he returns. Yeah, we're in this together.

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