11. A Wicked Duo

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3rd POV

It's finally Friday, and Atty is still pissed at Marcus. She didn't like being seen as a second option.

She huffs while sitting on top of the counter, while Georgia talks on the phone about getting her money.

It's something that seems to bother Atty a bit too. Ugh, if only life was easy.

Atlanta's POV

"Marty, I bought this house with the understanding that this money was gonna come through," Georgia says whilst on her phone

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"Marty, I bought this house with the understanding that this money was gonna come through," Georgia says whilst on her phone.

I roll my eyes and zone out the conversation. When I see Ginny start to walk in, I quickly tap our mom.

She turn around, and I gesture to her that Ginny was coming. She quickly puts on a fake facade and comes up with a fake conversation on the phone

"Have I found Jesus? No. Son of a bitch is playing hard to get. Please take me off the list of people to call,"she says before hanging up.

Poor Marty, probably confused. Ginny closes the refrigerator, which she was rummaging through when she came in, and looks towards us. "Slutty tops," she comments towards us.

I give her a sarcastic smile. "Got it at that shop you stole from," I sneer at her, with the newly found information. Not letting her live that down.

Georgia also gives her a sarcastic smile with her hand on her hip. "Waffle? Toasted 'em myself," she says.

Ginny rolls her eyes and hands Georgia a paper. She looks at the paper in confusion. "What's this?" She asks Ginny.

"Sophomore Sleepover," Ginny answers, dragging out the words and then walks away.

I roll my eyes from hearing the name of the event. That's literally what everyone has been talking about and it's literally annoying.

"Welcome to Pleasantville," I say sarcastically and do jazz hands.

"If you've always had a Temper-Pedic, the notion of a sleeping bag on a gym floor is charming," Georgia says sarcastically, looking down at the paper.

"Mm. Ellen's running it. You can give her the money for my ticket," Ginny says nonchalantly as she opens a package of berries.

At this point, my Twinnem, which is Georgia, and I are looking at this bitch flabbergasted. "Excuse me, miss. You have a job," Georgia says.

"I start today after school. I don't have any money yet," Ginny points out, whining a bit.

Georgia sighs, giving in. "How much is it?" She asks.

"Hundred bucks," the curly headed teen says with a smile. I look at her with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I change my mind. I'm not going," I say and take a sip of my orange juice.

"To spend a night in a school you already go to?" My birth giver asks.

"You moved us to this white, rich ass town. This is what they do here. These people are weird,"Ginny says.

"And yet you fit in right with the stereotypical white kids here," I say to her sarcastically, a fake smile worn on my face.

She rolls her eyes at me.  "Totally weird," Georgia says, agreeing with Ginny that the people here are weird. I totally agree with that fucking statement though.

"All night in the high school? Sounds like a waste of a Saturday, where I can be in the studio," I say to our mom.

"Mm-hmm. Well, Pumpkin, be ready because you're coming with me to the Bakers," Georgia says.

I roll my eyes and groan in frustration. "Fuck this," I say.


"Why can't you be cool like Georgia and Atlanta," is what I hear from Max as we waltz into the chaotic household.

"We are pretty cool," I say aloud, making our presence known to the family.

"Morning neighbors!" Georgia adds. Ellen turns in looks at us with a smile that you could tell was to hide the facade of her anger and frustration.

"Come in! Join us!" She says sarcastically. As we start to walk closer to Ellen, her husband stops us.

"Run, save yourself," he signs to us and gets up with his plate.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I can handle your family," I sign back to him, resulting in shocked expressions from the entire family.

"He says run, save yourself," I inform Georgia.

"Oh," she replies with a chuckle. She then turns towards the table to see the twins both sad, but Max more so angry and agitated.

"I'm just here to get Ginny's ticket," Georgia informs Ellen.

I raise up my hand to catch her attention. "I'm getting mines also, just buying with my own money," I inform  Ellen. She nods her head at me.

"See, Mom? Ginny and Atlanta are going," Max points out with an attitude. Yikes.

Ellen ignores her. "Would you like some breakfast?" She offers us.

Georgia lets out a dramatic gasp. "Wow, you're such a good mom!" She compliments the white haired lady.

I catch on quickly. I turn to face towards Max. "Isn't she a good mom, Max?" I ask her, winking at the girl.

"Max, I think if you wanna prove that you deserve to go to Sophomore Sleepover, there are other ways to go about it than yelling at Ellen," Georgia adds on.

"Yeah, stop yelling at Ellen," Ellen say, referring to herself in third person. Max soon catches on. She jumps up with a smile and goes to clean off her plate.

I give her a smirk while handing Ellen my money and grabbing my ticket. "That is some serious Jedi mind shit," Marcus comments.

I roll my eyes at him and start to head out. "Marcus go to school, learn something," Ellen tells him.

"You know I won't," he says and follows behind me.

I make my way towards my car when I stop. I turn towards Marcus. "Wanna do Molly?" I ask him, my head tilted.

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