14. After "Party"

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3rd POV

You would've thought that last nights party or sleepover was the best night for everyone, but it wasn't. Currently, Atlanta is slumped in the studio because of last night. She was pissed off from last night and left to the studio to blow off some heat. Here is why.


Atlanta head towards the bathroom that Marcus told her that he was in. She was smiling happily until she heard a feminine voice say, "or your girlfriends."

She instantly knew the voice belonged to other than Ginny. Of fucking course. "No, Padma nor Atty are my girlfriend. I don't really do girlfriends." From those words, Atlanta felt stuck in place.

If he doesn't do girlfriends, why was he leading her on. It might seem that Atty is the hit it and quit it type, but she's not. She's a really big romantic. After all the shit that happened with him, Atty never wanted to commit to someone that isn't going to love her for her.

She wanted that Bonnie and Clyde type of love. A love that she knew was genuine and that she could die happily about. She thought that maybe Marcus was that somebody, but he just proved her wrong.

Snapping out of her dazed look, Atty quickly rushes out the bathroom, passing her mom, and heading to her safe space, which just so happens to be the studio.

She let out all her anger out by taking molly, smoking, drinking, and singing until she was numb. She felt as if she had taken novacane and all her pain was numb. That's how she liked it. She repeated these actions until she dropped into a deep slumber on the sound board.

End of Flashback

That's how Atty ended up how she was now on a Sunday morning. Unlike everyone else, who where eating burritos, she started stirring awake inside of a studio.

Atlanta's POV

I stir from the deep sleep I was just in, my vision blurry. I blink repeatedly to try and get my vision back. Once I get my vision back, I'm met with a split aching headache. I wince from the pain. It felt as if my skull was skull was splitting into two.

I look around and see bottles of liquor surrounding me, along with bags of molly. I'm not about to get killed by Ethan today. I quickly clean up the studio then leave after I'm done.

I really don't want to be sober right now. All my mind is doing is going back to last night. His words hurt me. Even if he doesn't know, his words hurt me. It's literally 10:00 o'clock in the morning. Instead of going straight home, I head towards a bar. It's happy hour somewhere darlings.


I'm currently sitting at the bar on my fifth shot of tequila. I feel someone take a seat beside me, but I pay no attention to it. "Y'know, I never thought that I'll be seating beside one of my students as they drink shots of tequila on a Sunday morning," a masculine voice says from beside me.

I quickly turn, almost getting whiplash, and see Mr. Calix sitting. I quickly push my drink away. "Hello, Mr. Calix. What brings you here?" I ask him, my words slightly slurred.

"No, the real question is what is a 15 year old woman like you sitting here getting wasted?" He asks in a calm tone, but there was still a hint of dominance in his voice.

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