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Atlant Miller

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Atlant Miller. A name frightened most in different areas. To them, she's a walking she-devil, but she wasn't always like that. Like her mother, Atty had been blessed with beauty at a young age.

She used to be naive and innocent, so others would use that as an advantage. It was only worse when Atty got attracted to the idea of wanting to find love and being in a relationship at 13.

As you know, all boys want now days are a girl on there side, so they can fuck. Many boys that were 13 to 15 saw this as an opportunity to manipulate her into giving her body up to them.

Luckily, Georgia had given her the talk at a young age. Though one boy caught her attention. His name was Jordan. He was 15 and to her, he was everything. He treated her like a princess. They were like made for eachother.

In the beginning when they started dating, Jordan was kind and sweet, but a few months later, he started to change. Atlanta took notice of his change. He became more aggressive.

It would lead to Atty confronting him. He would end up choking her and punching her. He would say sorry and how he didn't mean it.

Of course, Atty being the young naive girl she is, she would believe him. She didn't tell no one. He would tell her that's how all relationships are and there's nothing to worry about.

It was the last straw when she found out that he had been talking to another girl. She confronted him about it. He would say," It's only because you've been fucking holding out on me." He then would grab her, ignoring all of her cries, and rape her.

He just left her in her room, on the bed, all bloody. Georgia would be the one to find her. She took her to the hospital to tell her what happened. They told the police about what happened, but they wouldn't believe a Mexican girl over a white male that's a football player.

3 months later, Atty would get her revenge. She would lure him out into a cabin that was filled with carbon monoxide. He would end up dying because everything was locked or bolted down.

His family would end up finding him. It would rule out to be a accident because of how old the cabin was. The family would try to pin it on the Miller's, but they were "out of town" at the time.

Atty's entire personality would change. She went from this naive and innocent person to some type of seductress. She turnt into Georgia a bit. She would seduce men into doing her bidding, so she could have anything she wanted. She never slept with them though.

After the thing with Jordan, she always feared to have sex, but that was 2 years ago. Now, she stands at her mom's former husband's casket.

Atlanta knew it was no accident. She could see it in her mother's eyes. Kenny was a fucking pedophile. He would try and touch up on Ginny and her. It was only a matter of time before Georgia did something.

On the other hand, Ginny and Atty's relationship had completely fallen through. Ginny decided to take it upon herself to be the "adult". She thought Atty had become a stuck up bitch for no reason.

She didn't know the reason why she changed. Atty has kept it from her and Austin. Especially, Austin. She didn't want his innocence to be taken away like hers was.

But like before. She stands looking at Kenny's deceased body that laid in a casket. All the while surrounded by snobby people. What the fuck.

 What the fuck

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