Chapter 1 : A unusual feeling

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Chilly winds were hovering at every intersection of the road. The winds were so cruel that they would send shivers through anyone's veins. A girl was walking on the streets that cold evening. She was shivering due to the cold winds. She was carrying a bag hanging on her back which was quite heavy.

She has unusual feelings as if someone is following her. She kept turning back again and again to clear her doubts. But whenever she turned back, she did not see anyone following her.

"Why do I feel like someone is following me? Maybe it's my imagination but still, I can feel the presence of someone I don't know."

No, wait-t

"Maybe I wasn't imagining things. Why I could feel a pair of cold eyes staring at the back of my head. This path was not unfamiliar to me; I walked it every day after school as a shortcut instead of having to walk through all the neighbouring subdivisions to reach home," her thoughts sent even more shivers through his veins.

She began supposing that maybe all this was just her imagination. Then, at last, she agreed to ignore all her strange thoughts and walked quickly down the road to reach her home.

As she was moving down the road, she again felt as if someone was following her. Now, she could hear the sound of her heart beating fast in her chest. She could even hear the sound of heavy footsteps behind her back. So, she stops walking on the road for a while to see who is following her.

Looking at Anna's face, people may feel that Anna's heart is very delicate. She is not what she seems. She is braver than she looks.

To find out who was following her, she looked back but this time too there was no one there.

A few minutes later...........

"Hey, Mom. What did you have for lunch?" she asks as she throws her bag on the couch.

"Today I made your favourite dish, guess what it is." Her mother replied while she was cleaning the utensils. Just then Anna walks towards the dining table to look at the utensils.

"Wow, this looks mouth-watering." Anna says and just as she's about to pull a chair from the dining table, her mother stops her and says, "Hey, wait. Go wash your hands, Anna.

Okay-y mom. Anna annoyingly says and heads to the bathroom.

While she was washing her hands in the wash basin, many thoughts were coming into her mind.

"Why do I feel like someone has been following me for three days? Yet, whenever I try to figure out who is following me I never can.

Then she turned off the tap, dried her hands with a towel which was hanging on her left and walked out of the bathroom. After that, she came back to the dining room pulled a chair from the dining table and sat on it. She raises her hand towards the vessel and takes out a spoonful of pasta from the vessel to the plate.

When she takes her first spoonful of pasta, looks at her mother and says, "Mom, this is delicious.

"So, Anna, how was your day?" Her mother said and then she also pulled a chair from the dining table in front of Anna and sat on it.

"Yeah, it was as good as ever," she hesitates.

After finishing her meal, she took her plate from the dining table and washed it in the kitchen sink. After that, she went straight to her room and closed the door behind her.

Just then her mother called Anna's name from the kitchen "Anna please rest and then do your homework dear.

When she heard her mother's voice, she opened the door, peeked her face out the door, and replied, "Okay Mom, I'll rest.
Then she again closes the door of her room and moves towards the window, she sees that the window is closed but she can see through the window glass that someone is standing on the road and doing nothing. It is very strange for Anna as he is just standing in a position and not doing anything.

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