Chapter 5: A mysterious phone call

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"I want to tell you about something," Michael said to Joseph.

As soon as Joseph heard her voice, he turned to him, "What do you want to say?" He said with curiosity.

Then Michael took a deep breath and said, "Joseph, last night as I was walking home, I saw someone standing in the middle of the road. He was wearing a black hoodie and a mask. It happened. So, I decided to chase him. I was about to catch him but before that, he ran away. Then suddenly someone hit me on the back of the head. I fell on the ground due to severe pain in my head. But still, I can hear some strange sounds behind my back,"

"Do you remember what they were talking about?" Joseph said and looked at him with curious eyes.

"Unfortunately, no! I was in so much pain that I couldn't hear their conversation properly," he says angrily. Michael's eyes can tell he regrets it.

Joseph knows that he has indirectly hurt him. So, he raises his hand towards Michael's shoulder and says softly, "Don't stress too much right now. You need proper rest."

"No, I want to know more about this matter. I can't just leave all this behind." Michael says and his whole voice echoes in the room.

"Okay, okay, you can investigate this matter sitting at home, I will send you all the documents," Joseph says.

"Thank you for your help." He said and lay down on the bed to try to sleep but he knew he would not be able to sleep properly until the matter was resolved.

After A Few Days............

Michael was walking down the stairs to reach the hall. When he reached the hall, he called out his wife's name and said, "Stella! I have to go. It's urgent!"

As soon as his wife heard, she got up on the dining table and moved towards him. She looked at him with worried eyes and asked, "Where are you going, dear? You know you are not feeling well right now."

"Yes, I know but I have to go to the office for some important work. I will be fine so don't worry too much." He told her and gently patted her head.

His wife still didn't agree to let him go, but he nodded and said, "Okay dear, but please come back quickly because it is already too late to go office"

"Okay, I will come back in a couple of hours,"

Then he leans towards his wife and kisses her forehead. After this, he went out through the main door.

A few minutes later, he reached his office building. When he came to his cabin, he opened the door of his cabin and went into the cabin. When he came to his cabin he saw that the files of all the victims killed by the serial killer were on his desk.

He moves his hand towards the file to take it. When he took the file in his hand, he started turning the pages of the file. While he was looking at the file, suddenly a thought came to his mind.

"The serial killer was not killing people randomly. He gave us a clue behind all these murders,"

The sound of the door creaking brings him out of his thoughts. When his eyes fall on the door, he sees Joseph in the room with a file in his hand.

"Michael, sorry to bother you, but I forgot to give you the file you asked me to give you," Joseph says and puts the file on the desk.

Michael raises his eyebrows and says, "I don't understand. You already put the file on my desk. Then why are you saying you forgot to give me the file?"

"What! But I didn't put any files on your desk.

Robert may have placed this file here because he also had files on all the victims killed by the serial killer. Joseph says.

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