Chapter 9: The call recording

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"What! How did you know about this?" Joseph asked in surprise

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"What! How did you know about this?" Joseph asked in surprise. Joseph stood on the chair, stunned and motionless by her words. He looked at her with curious eyes and waited for her answer.

The whole room went completely silent, then Michael took a deep breath, looked at him and said in a deep voice "Joseph, as I just told you I can feel that the call I received from the mysterious person was recorded The phone was call and now the serial killer has made another mistake,"

"What did the serial killer do wrong?" Joseph said and glared at him.

As he said this, Michaels quickly reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out his phone. He then turns on his phone and starts finding the call recording. When he found a call recording, he pressed the play button to start the call recording.


Michael: Hello, who are you?
Mysterious Person: Oh, I know you're Michael, so I don't need to confirm it.
Michael: Hey, I don't know you.
(the person ignored Michael's question)
Mysterious Person: Well, it seems you missed your chance to hear about the serial killer. But I know you found a note from the victim's hotel room. Let me just say this, don't assume the killer is a girl. He is lying, and I can prove it. So don't jump to any decisions.

The mysterious person hangs up the phone. And call recording also ended.

Then Michael puts the phone back in his pocket and says "That call cleared up my doubts. Now I'm confident, the serial killer is a girl. She tries to hide his identity. So, she called in a different voice.

"I think she's scared, that's why she knows we found the note. She must be watching our every move," Joseph interrupted him.

"And also why did the killer think the victim was going to reveal their true gender?" Michael ponders aloud.

Suddenly, there's a knock on their cabin door. Joseph walks over to open it, revealing their senior special agent standing there.

Joseph steps back to allow the senior special agent to enter, sensing the seriousness of his facial expression.

"Michael and Joseph, I need to talk to you both about something," the senior special agent says with a heavy tone.

Michael and Joseph exchange a glance, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"What is it, Mr. Robert?" Michael asks firmly.

"I want to know the latest information you've gathered on the serial killer case," the senior special agent demanded.

It's evident in his eyes that he is now frustrated with this case.

"We've gathered significant information relating to the case. I've compiled it all in a file," Michael responds, walking towards his shelf to fetch the said file. He hands it over to the senior special agent.

The senior agent flips through the pages, closing the file afterwards. He returns it to Michael and says, "Michael and Joseph, if you don't catch the serial killer within three days, I'll have no choice but to assign Mike as the lead of this case. I can't stand idly by while the killer kills more people one by one, understand?"

Mike, another FBI officer, shares a problematic past with Michael. They attended the same college, where Mike harboured irritation towards Michael due to his perceived superiority Sadly, fate paired them within the same department, fueling further conflict.

"I understand, sir. I promise you, we will catch the serial killer within three days," Michael says confidently, determination shining in his eyes.

Joseph looks at Michael with curiosity, silently wondering, "What is he planning? He seems so confident "

"I trust you, and I believe in your abilities. I hope you can bring this killer to justice as soon as possible," the senior special agent says, gently patting Michael on the shoulder before exiting the cabin, and closing the door behind him.

As Joseph moves closer to Michael, he remarks, "You seem to have quite a plan, by your confidence."

Michael turns to Joseph and admits, "To be honest, I don't have a plan yet."

Three days later...

"Alright, I'm coming," Anna says, ending her call. She gets up from her bed and heads to her closet to change her clothes. Minutes later, she comes down the stairs, making her way towards the lobby.

"Hey Mom! I need to go to Michael's uncle's office," Anna informs her mother.

Her mother sets aside the remote, rising from the couch with concern. She turns to Anna and asks, "What's going on, Anna? Why do you need to go to Michael's office?"

"He asked me to come over for some questions related to the serial killer case," Anna shrugs.

"Oh, I remember now. He even asked me about you when you were in a coma," her mother hesitates, fearing it may upset Anna to revisit that night.

Anna, however, no longer feels sadness about it and comforts her mother, "Don't worry, Mom. I'm not going to be upset anymore."

Curiosity piqued, her mother continues, "Why does he need to ask your classmates too? What's going on?"

"Some of my classmates' parents were victims of a serial killer. So he's questioning all of us," Anna explains.

"Okay, Anna, once you're done talking with Michael, make sure to come back home quickly. You know you need to recover soon for..." her mother trails off, her trouble evident.

"Yes, Mom, I know. No need to worry," Anna giggles.

With that, Anna heads to the front door, opens it, and steps out of the house. Her mother returns to the couch, resuming her paused show on Netflix.

30 Minutes Later...

"Please, take a seat," Michael gestures to Anna.

He sits across from her, and Anna pulls a chair closer to the table, settling down.

"What made you call me here? Do you suspect me?" she asks hesitantly.

"No, I don't suspect you. I just have a question, if you don't mind," Michael replies.

"Sure, go ahead," Anna agrees, her eyes fixed on his.

"Before anything else, I would like to show you something," he says, turning his laptop to face her.

She leaned towards the laptop to view the footage on the laptop. She moves her fingers towards the laptop keyboard to press the play button to start the footage.

To be continued...............

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