Chapter 16: Marilyn's Diary

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She turns the first page of the diary. On the first page of the diary, a name was written in the middle. Under that name, a warning was also written in italics in front.

 Under that name, a warning was also written in italics in front

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Then she turns over to the next page of the diary. On that page, she reads the full name, home address, the present age of Marilyn and many more things written on that page. She takes a look at the current age section.

16 years old was written on the front of the current age.

5 minutes later.........

Now she has read about 10 pages. She has learned a lot about her sister in these pages. But still, she cannot remember her sister properly. Then she turns to the next page of the diary.

On page 11 of the Diary............

Anna started having severe headaches

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Anna started having severe headaches. She decided to take a break from the diary. She closes the diary and puts the diary on the bed. Then she got up from the bed and walked towards the mirror to take a look at herself. When she came in front of the mirror, She could see heavy dark circles under her eyes. Her face had also turned very pale.


She is startled by the strange sound, then she looks in front of the mirror and says, "What's that sound?"

Then she goes closer to the mirror to see the mirror more closely and puts her hand on top of the mirror. As soon as she puts her hand on the mirror a huge light comes out. The light was so bright that because of that light, she could not able to see anything and then her whole room was filled with the bright light.

Slowly that light started getting more intense, now because of that light her eyes started hurting and now she could not able to feel anything else. She was also trying to scream but no sound was coming out of her mouth.

Then suddenly that light disappeared by itself, that light disappeared from her whole room in such a way that the light had never come there. Then she slowly opens her eyes, and when she opens her eyes, she sees that she is not reflected in the mirror. Instead, she was seeing someone else.

A 16-year-old girl was looking at her throughout from the mirror. Her hair was blowing in the wind and her eyes were blue like the sea. Then she gave a sweet smile towards Anna's direction.

Anna gets paralyzed by her fear. She tries to run away from the mirror but all her attempts go in vain.

Anna, I won't let you know about myself. So don't try to know about me. The girl said in a hoarse voice.

Why are you doing this to me? Wait a second, are you my third personality? Ana says in a trembling voice.

Anna, I don't mean to hurt you. I am your sister!!! Marilyn cried.

You are lying, my sister has already died in a car accident with my parents. Anna says in a loud voice.

But do you know who has killed us? Marilyn says.

I just said that my sister and my parents were killed in a car accident. Haven't you heard it?

Yes. I heard this But the death of me and our parents was not an accident. Some people wanted to kill us. Marilyn said.

Anna gets confused hearing this. After a few minutes of silence, she could speak "But who?

So our father was a journalist. He was a very honest journalist and also a good citizen. Everyone respected him a lot. In his work, he exposed many scams that took place in our city. So, one day he came to know about the biggest scam happening in our city. A very rich family is doing big scandals in our town. That family was known for their kindness and humble personality. They also had their own biggest company. But everyone was unaware of their scandal. Our father accidentally came to know about their scam. Then our dad decided to start a string operation on them. Together, he and his journalist friend decided to do a string operation. He also collected many pieces of evidence against him. But unfortunately, that family member became suspicious of him. They try to offer a huge amount, and his friend readily agrees to accept the offer but our father declines the offer. He did not agree to give all the evidence that the two of them had gathered against him. Our father threatened them that he would give all the evidence to the police. But the family was not intimidated by our father's threat because the police of our city were with them. So, our dad decided to take us out of town on the night of your birthday. He has a friend who is an FBI officer. He explained the situation to him. His friend suggested our dad to come to his city which was near our city.

But a person working for that family came to know about our father's plan. As you just read in my diary I wrote about a man. Who entered our house when we were not at home? He was the person who worked for them and he tells everything about our father's plan. And they decided to kill our father.
On your birthday, we have to go to a cake shop to get a birthday cake for your birthday party. But on the way to the shop, they hit our car with a truck.

Marilyn's eyes filled with tears. Tears were flowing down from her eyes. After listening to the whole story, Anna froze for a minute. But for her, a minute seems like an hour. Then she is finally able to open her mouth to speak "If you're one of my personalities then how do I know about this? It's so confusing." Anna says.

Because that day when you come back home to bring the essential things from your room first you go to your sister's room because you miss your sister a lot. When you get there you find a diary that was in Marilyn's study. You have read everything that was written in that diary. Not all that I tell you. After reading your sister's diary, you got a strong shock and you fainted and fell on the floor. Marilyn says.

So, after that, I have multiple personality disorders I have heard that if you meet one of your personalities, that personality will disappear. Anna says and sits on the bed.

Marilyn nodded her head and said, "Yeah, you're right, but sometimes they don't disappear until you get to the thing that causes them to form.

Anna raises an eyebrow and says "What is it that I want to get?

As soon as Anna asks her this question, she vanishes from the mirror. Anna was horrified by her sudden disappearance.

To be continued........

Now only one question will come to her mind, What is the thing she wants to achieve?

I know this chapter was a little bit confusing. You can feel free to ask me anything related to this chapter in the comment.

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Have a lovely day ❣️

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