Chapter 3: The Serial Killer

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A clean-cut man, with sharp features, sleek black hair and thoughtful dark brown eyes. He was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of coffee in his left hand. The coffee was so hot that he sipped carefully. Then his eyes fell on the window. Through the window panel, he saw his co-officer climbing the stairs to reach Michael's cabin.

A few seconds later, his co-officer pushes the door handle open and walks into the cabin. He looks at him despairingly and says, "The serial killer has committed another murder. So, now tell me Michael, what can we do?"

As Joseph finished saying, Micheal placed his coffee cup on the smooth surface of the table and looked at Joseph with disappointment.

"I don't know what to do. This case is getting more complicated every day." Micheal sighed.

Michael Aykroyd and his partner, Joseph Smith, were on the trail of a mysterious serial killer. The killer was strangely targeting their victims - causing them to suddenly have heart attacks. The only clue they had to go on was that each victim mentioned seeing a boy in a black hoodie and face mask before they died.

As they dived deeper into the case, Michael and Joseph began to piece together the puzzle. They discovered that the killer was somehow manipulating his victims into having heart attacks, but how? Could it be a strange ritual or some kind of twisted mind game?

The two officers knew they had to act fast before more innocent lives were taken. But with the elusive killer always seeming to be one step ahead, could Michael and Joseph crack the case and bring justice to the victims? Only time will tell.

"Did the victim do by the heart attack?" Michael inquisitively says. The expression on his face showed that he was praying that the next victim would not die of a heart attack.

"Yes, you are right. The second victim also died of a heart attack." Joseph gasped.

Then Michael stood up from his chair angrily and took the file from Joseph's hand. He began turning the pages of the file to read information about the latest victim.

"Was there anyone at the crime scene? He asked.

"Unfortunately, the murder happened at midnight so no one could see the killer," says Joseph.

"Well, at least we know the killer was killing people in the black hoodie and black mask. We have to figure out how he can kill people without the use of any kind of weapon. "Michael said.

"Michael it's getting late now, I'm thinking of going back to my house, you should go back to your house too," Joseph says and throws his arms in the air.

"Yes, it's getting late. You go, I'll be going home in a little while." Michael told him and went back to his work.

"Okay see you later," Joseph says and then he walks towards the door, pulls the door handle towards himself to open the door and walks out of the cabin.


He finished the remaining work in his cabin, stood up from his chair, picked up his coat from the table, and stepped out of his office building. As he came onto the dark road, the weak streetlights cast only partial illumination on his path.

There was very little traffic and most vehicles were traveling slightly above the speed limit.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he checked his watch, revealing the time to be 3:10 a.m. Bizzard thoughts kept crashing into his mind - what if a serial killer suddenly appeared before him?

Abruptly, he heard a cracking sound behind him. Turning his head, he searched for the source but found nothing. Perhaps it was just a dog or a cat, he thought, dismissing the noise and continuing on his way home.

As he continued down the road, he noticed a boy in a black hoodie standing motionless, gazing into the distance. A chill ran down his spine at the sight, but he pushed aside his fear and approached the boy. "Who is he? Could he be the serial killer described by the witness?" he wondered to himself.

The boy began walking onto the road, following whatever had caught his attention. Intrigued, Michael trailed quietly behind, his senses heightened. Suddenly, the sound of cracking returned from behind. He glanced back, but saw only a stray cat, dismissing the noise once more.

Determined to find answers, he scanned left and right in search of the boy, unaware that the boy stood directly behind him. His face can able to seen due to the darkness on the road.

"Oh no, I lost sight of him. How will I find him now?" he muttered aloud, the echo of his voice piercing the silence of the deserted street.

"Are you looking for me?" A voice from behind startled him.

Startled, he spun around to face the speaker, only to be struck forcefully on the head, sending him sprawling to the ground. The voice continued to speak, but the pain rendered the words incomprehensible.

Michael lay in severe pain, struggling to discern the voice he heard. It sounded like that of a girl, but his confusion clouded his thoughts. Slowly, darkness enveloped him, and he slipped into unconsciousness.

When he finally regained consciousness, he found himself in a hospital room, with his wife and Joseph at his side.

His wife noticed his Awakening and spoke with concern, "Oh Michael, you're finally awake. I was so worried about you," her voice trembling slightly.

Attempting to sit up, Michael failed and was assisted by Joseph.

Confusion filled his mind as he questioned, "What happened to me? Why I am at the hospital?"

Micheal peered around the hospital room, taking in the sight of nurses moving purposefully in the hallway. The door hung ajar, letting in the faint sound of activity from outside.

"You were found by a garbage man on the street," Joseph's voice broke through Micheal's thoughts, bringing back memories from the previous night.

As Joseph continued, You suffered a serious head injury, causing you to lose your memory for a while. But don't worry, you'll get it back soon,"

While a glimmer of hope shone in Micheal's eyes. He had something important to share with Joseph, a weight on his mind that he needed to unload.

In a moment of seriousness, Micheal turned to Joseph. "Joseph, there's something I need to tell you."

To be continued...........

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Have a nice day!

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