Chapter 12: Regaining of memory

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Anna was walking on the road. She could hear her heart beating very fast as if it would burst out of her chest. Her eyes are still full of tears. She is unable to stop the tears from falling from his eyes. The road was not full of many people. Only a few people were visible. But suddenly a mysterious figure appears before her.

Little by little, the figure becomes clear and then she could see the figure's face. The dark figure was none other than that strange boy. But this time he didn't look scary at all. He was looking at her with shining eyes and then he smiled.

"Oh, my dear Anna. Don't cry. He says in a sweet voice.

She could not able to hold back her tears and then started crying and ran towards him and hugged him. Hot tears were flowing from her eyes. She hugged him very tightly and he hugged her back.

Don't cry, Anna. I know you didn't do anything wrong. He said and patted her head gently.

She pops her head out from his chest stands in front of him and says "Now I can understand why no one can see you.

"Because I am just one of your personalities. The personality you loved the most from your childhood. He said.

"I liked you the most when I was eight years old. You're my favourite anime character from "Secret of the Box," she said.

"That's why I was trying to do what you saw in the anime. You should not stop taking medicines," she said disappointedly.

"I know you were going to say but I have to stop eating and you know very well. Anna says and exhales deeply.

"Of course, I know but there's one thing you don't know about yourself, Anna. she said and looked towards his direction.

Hearing this her eyes become wider, She looks at him and says, "What do you mean?

He took a deep breath and said "You only came to know about this, I thought if you came to know about it, then you must have come to know about this too.

"But about what?" She said in a panicked voice.

Just as he was about to say something, someone called Anna's name. She looks back. Then she spotted Jessica. She was standing behind her. Jessica was looking at her with curiosity and then she said "Anna why do I feel like you're talking to yourself?

Anna narrows her eyes and then says "No, I was just thinking but I don't know how my thoughts came out of my mouth." She laughed nervously.

"Oh! Is that so? But wait what are you doing here? You should be at your home. And how are you feeling? Do you have any problem? You can tell me. Jessica burst into tears with so many questions.

"Take a deep breath, Jessica. How can I answer all these questions? OK, I'll tell you one by one. Anna said softly.

Jessica nodded.

"So, first Michael's uncle called me to come to his office and second I am feeling better now. And finally, I don't have a problem. Anna said all this without pausing for a moment.

All these are true but one thing is not true she is in a big problem.

"So, Mr Michael also called you to ask questions. Jessica says.

"Yes! Anna said and looked back to see the boy but the boy was already gone.

"Come on I'll drop you at home. Jessica says and puts her arms around Anna's arm. Then they started walking towards Jessica's car.

Joseph enters Michael's cabin and notices Mechel sitting in her chair with a worried expression. "Michael, do you think someone else deleted the footage with him in it?" Joseph asks as he takes a seat.

Michael is also concerned and confused. "I'm not sure. The guard said he only saw Anna at that time," Michael says, putting his hands on his face.

Joseph suggests searching the register book of the building as the guard never forgets to ask people to write their names before entering. "We might get another clue from the register book," he adds.

Michael is sceptical, "Do you think a serial killer would put their name in the register book?"

Joseph agrees, "Maybe not, but it's worth a shot."

"Alright, let's go," Michael agrees, and they both head out to investigate.

A Few Hours Later...

Michael stops the car in front of the building. Then they got out of the car and headed towards the entrance of the building.

As the guard of the building caught sight of them he hastily got up from his chair and strolls towards them.

"Sir, do you have any problem?" he hastily asked.
"No, we came here to check the register book of the building," Joseph said as he glanced at the lift. An elderly woman was waiting for the lift, and she smiled at him when she noticed him looking at her. Joseph smiled back.

"Of course, you can both see it!" the guard replied.

The guard then walked towards a table, pulled out a drawer, retrieved the register book, and headed back to Joseph and Michael. He raised his hand, holding the register book, and Michael took it from him. Michael began flipping through the pages until he found a name that was written on the night they were interested in.


To Be Continued...

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Have a lovely day ❤️

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