Chapter 8 : True or lie

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"I'm pretty sure I was sleeping in my room," Anna says firmly.

I know I wasn't in my room last night but I can't tell him because I'm so confused about it.

"But I saw your bracelet on your right hand. The one you always wear!" Jordan said with tremendous confidence in his eyes which Anna could see.

"Oh, I forgot about my bracelet!" she thought and then immediately raised her right hand to see the bracelet but at that time she did not have the bracelet in her hand.

"Jordan look, can you see a bracelet on my arm? Anna says and raises her hand towards Jordan to show him. He looked at her hand and said incredulously "Wait, what!! Where is the bracelet now?"

"Jordan I think I lost my bracelet, but I don't know where I lost it." She says quickly and looks away from him.

Jordan frowned and said, "I think maybe your bracelet was stolen from you."

"I think you're right. I should go home now," says Anna.

"Anna, I feel like you're hiding something from me. Are you?" he said and glared at her.

"Jordan, I'm not hiding anything from you." She said giving a half smile.

"Okay, but if anything happens to you, please let me know, see you later."

"Sure, see you later.

Then Jordan walked towards his bicycle, took it off the handle and sat on the bicycle. She waved her hand at Anna and Anna waved back. Then he started going to his home on a bicycle.

A FEW HOURS LATER ...........

Anna was lying on her bed like a dead person. She has no desire to move her body even a little.

Then suddenly a thought came to her mind, "Where has the boy gone?"

Suddenly thick black smoke rises in front of his eyes. Then a voice comes out of the smoke, "Are you remembering me?"

She jumped from her bed to the floor with wide eyes.

"Ahhh," she shouted.

"Why are you so surprised? You've already seen me." He says and a smile appears on his face.

When a ray of light came into his room from the open window, it fell on the boy. As soon as the light fell on him, Anna saw the boy's true form. His eyes were shining like the brightest moon in the sky and his hair was constantly playing with the wind. His entire teeth were filled with blood.

"Now you have to accept the truth," he said and his voice echoed throughout the room.

"What are you talking about?" Anna said in a trembling voice.

"Do I need to tell you? I thought you were pretty smart but I was wrong." The boy smiled.

Then he pulls his hand in the air and suddenly a screen appears which is spinning in the air.

Seeing all this, Anna's heart started beating fast. Then something appears on the screen.


A dimly lit hotel room with lavish furnishings. A man, aged around 40, was sitting on a plush chair, holding a box with both his hands. His face looks very pale as if he has not slept for days.

Then suddenly there is a knock at the door. He looks at her surprised.

Who could be at this time?

The man carefully approaches the door and opens it, revealing a girl. She wears a black hoodie and mask, hiding her identity. Frightened the man takes a step back.

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