Chapter 13: Self-doubt

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Jessica stops her car in front of Anna's house

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Jessica stops her car in front of Anna's house. Anna pushes to open the door and starts stepping towards the house, with Jessica following behind. Anna suddenly stops middle of her way home.

She turns to Jessica and says, "Thank you for dropping me home. I'm looking forward to going back to my bed to rest."

"Okay, bye, Anna. I'll call you tonight for our movie night,"

"Oh! I remember you told me yesterday that we will watch the movie on Saturday night. First of all, we will select the movie and then watch that movie on our TV. We will talk about the movie through phone calls. Am I saying right? Anna gasps.

"Wow! You are right. Thank god you still remember this. Jessica said surprisingly.

"Jessica of course. How could I forget about this!!" Anna said.

They hugged each other and went their way. As Anna opens the door to her house, her mother is standing there with a questioning face. Anna shuts the door behind her and walks towards her mother.

"Oh, mom! Why are you standing here Anna asks.

Her mother keeps one hand on her chin and the other hand on her waist. And then she opens her mouth to speak "Anna, what did Michael ask you?

"What should I do? Should I tell Mom that Micheal's uncle has a suspicion of me? I don't think he should be told now. First of all, I have to know about myself. She thought to herself.

Her mom could see that Anna was in deep thought for a long time. Then her mother calls her name again.

Ana snaps out of her thoughts.

"What Mom? Anna hastily said.

"Anna, you haven't answered my question yet. her mom said curiously.


Suddenly there is a loud noise comes from the lobby which distracts them. They rushed to the lobby to find out who made the noise.

When they reached the lobby, they found that a cute dog had accidentally broken a flower pot. The dog was standing near the broken pot and wagging its tail in their direction. His green eyes were looking at Anna. It seemed that he was smiling happily upon seeing her. He jumped on Anna and started licking her hand.

Anna smiled softly and patted him on the back. Then she leans towards him and touches his face with her hands. She looks at her mom and says, "Who's a cute dog is he?

Her mom smiles and says "She is a girl"

"Oh! Sorry, my dear," Anna said while gently patting the dog.

Her mom continued "She's our new neighbor's dog,"

"That's why I have never seen her. Anna says and pats her gently again," For a moment all her tension was gone. But then suddenly her fear returns. She got up from the floor and turned to her mother.

"Mom, I'm going to my room to res," Anna hastily said.

Her mom can see from Anna's facial expression that she is very tired. Her mom didn't say anything and just nodded.

Anna turned to the stairs and started walking up the stairs with an
intense expression. The dog was going to chase her but her mother stopped her. The dog was still wagging its tail towards Anna.

She reached her room and started locking all the locks on the door. Then she jumped on her bed and started stretching out her body on the bed. Her whole body was hot. She had a severe headache. She felt as if someone was hitting her head with a hammer.

She closed her eyes and started to remember the conversation between her parents that night.

Flashback of the 6th chapter.................

Darling, do you also think that Anna's illness has returned? her mother said.

I'm not sure but yes I thought so too!! Her father replied.

Should we tell them about the reason for his illness?? Her mother said quietly.

No, we can't tell Anna yet. I don't know how she will react to this. Her father said in a slightly louder voice.

Back from the Flashback............

She opened her eyes got up and sat on the bed.

"Oh! I forgot to ask Mom and Dad what they were talking about me that night and why I had to take medicine every week. I know mom told me earlier that she gives me sleepwalking but I don't think that's the only reason.

I want to ask about it today.

Strange boy, now I want to see you badly. To know the truth about yourself. Do I have multiple personality disorders?

If that's true then you're never going to come back again. Because I had read news articles about multiple personality disorders. If a person becomes aware of one of his personality, that personality will never come back again.

But how can I have multiple personality disorders?

Suddenly her phone started ringing which made her out of her thoughts. She took out the phone from her jeans pocket and saw that Jessica's call was ringing on the phone. She moves her fingers towards the phone screen to answer the call and then puts the phone to her ear.

Anna: Hello!

Jessica: Hey Anna! So we decided in the evening we would pick up a movie on Netflix.

Anna: Wait a second. Let me see the time

Jessica: You don't know about the time. OK, I'll tell you. Right now, my wall clock is showing 9:30 p.m.

Anna turned her head to the wall clock to see the time and Jessica was right. It was 9:30 in the night on the clock.

Anna: Jessica I haven't had my dinner yet. Because I have been sleeping since you dropped me home.

Jessica: Okay. Next time again. But no excuse.

Anna: Sure, no excuses.

Anna dropped her phone on the bed got up and sat on the bed. She puts her hand on her face. She could feel that her face was still hot.

How long have I been thinking?

She got up from the bed, walked towards the door and started unlocking the door. She opens the door walks out of her room and closes the door behind her.

When she reaches the dining room, she sees that her parents are already seated at the dining table. Her mom was putting Food on her dad's plate. His mother looked at her with a smile.

"Did you sleep well? Her mom asked.

"Yes. I slept well but why don't you call me for dinner? says Anna and her eyes still look sleepy.

"Because you need a proper rest. Her dad says and looks at her worriedly.

Then Anna takes a deep breath. Then she walked towards the dining table, pulled a chair from the dining table and sat on it.

She looks at them and says "Mom and Dad, I want to ask you both a question. May I?"

Her mom and dad exchange glances with each other.

Ok. Her mom says and her father also nods.

Then Anna put her hands on the table and said "AM I SUFFERING FROM SOME SERIOUS ILLNESS??

To Be Continued............

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Have a lovely day ❤️

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