Chapter 15: Her Name Is

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Michael stops his car in front of a mansion. They both got out of the car and started walking towards the mansion.

The mansion was in the middle of the forest. The garden of the mansion is filled with beautiful and shimmering flowers. There was a group of pine trees around the mansion. The design of the mansion was very unique. A design like never seen before.

When both of them reached the gate, a watchman quickly came out of the mansion and walked towards them.

Michael looks at her and says "We are FBI officers" Then they both show their ID cards. Michael again says "We want to meet Louis Miller regarding a case. Is Louis Miller in the house?"

"Yes, sir, he is at home. The watchman says and then he makes a phone call to Louis to inform him about them. Then he put his phone back in his pocket and started walking inside the mansion. Michael and Joseph also started following him.

Then they both reached the huge hall. Suddenly they saw a young man who was walking down the stairs.
"So you're both FBI agents. How can I help you?" Louis says.

"We would like to ask you a few questions regarding a case. Joseph says.

"Okay then, let's sit on the couch and talk about it. Louis says and goes to the couch. Joseph and Michael follow him. All three sat on the couch. Then he calls his servant from the kitchen to come and then he asks them what they want to drink. They both agree over a hot coffee.

You've probably heard of serial killers. If you don't know then I will tell you. Recently a serial killer is killing people in a very mysterious way. But now we know how he can kill people without any weapon. Michael says and tries to check Louis's facial expressions.

Louis's face turned pale and his legs began to tremble. He put his hands on both his feet to hide his trembling feet. But Michael had already seen it through.

"Why are you telling me? Louis hastily says.

We have come to ask you only about the incident that took place on May 1, 2013. Joseph says a in heavy tone.

"I can't even remember which accident you are talking about. He says hesitantly.

"Really! You don't remember that accident. I thought you still remember that incident because the truck driver who hit a journalist's car has worked in your family company. As Joseph said, a servant from the kitchen comes into the hall, holding a tray in his hands.

He puts two hot coffees in front of them and an orange juice in front of Louis. Louis quickly took the glass of orange juice in his hand and started taking the orange juice slips. They may notice that his hand was trembling while holding the glass of orange juice.

They both also take their cups of hot coffee. A few minutes later, Louis finally managed to open his mouth to speak.

"Yes. I remember that incident but what does that incident have to do with this case?"

Michael puts his coffee back on the table and says, "Because we found a note from the serial killer's latest victim. That person also works for your family company. Let me show the note,"

He takes a note out of his pocket and extends his hand to Louis. Louis took the note from her and then she started reading.
As he was reading the note, his facial expressions became horrified. His eyes widened.

"So, please tell us more about the accident which happened on 1st May 2013,"

"If you don't tell us about that incident, we won't be able to understand what the serial killer wanted," Michael said and Joseph nodded as well.

"We also learned that he wants to kill someone whose name starts with the letter L. We think that person might be you," Joseph said seriously.

Listening to Joseph, Louis gets frozen in one place. A stream of sweat started flowing from his forehead.

"Okay fine. I have all the memories of that accident. I still can't forget that incident," He says furiously and puts the glass of orange juice back on the table.

"So, tell me what happened that night. Did your family want to kill a journalist?" Michael asks.

"Ok, let me tell you but before that let me clear that I had no major hand in that accident rest of my family was mainly involved so I don't know much," Louis says and crosses his legs.


"Marilyn is your sister's name," Her mom says softly.

It sounds familiar upon hearing this name for Anna. Suddenly a sharp pain strikes her head. She immediately grabs her head with her hands.

"Anna, are you all right?" Her mother strolls towards her and holds her.

"Yes, I am fine," Anna says and quickly pulls herself up to stand straight.

"Can you give me that diary?" I need to read. Anna says.

"But darling! Her mom was about to finish her sentence but Anna stopped her in the middle of the sentence and hugged her mom.

"Don't worry about me, Mom," She looked at her dad and gave a bright smile.

"Darling don't worry too much. Anna is our brave child," Her dad said.

"Okay then. Give her that diary," her mom says in a weak tone.

Then her dad steps towards his study room.

15 minutes later.....

He came back from his study room holding a diary in his right hand. Anna was standing in the dining room with her mom. He went to her and handed over the diary.

"Can I read this diary in my room?" Anna ask.

Both her mom and dad exchange glances with each other. His father looks at her and says, "But what if something happens to you?"

"Trust me, Dad. Okay, I'll leave the door to my room open. If something goes wrong with me. You both can see me. I want to read this diary alone in the room. I hope you will understand," Anna says and waits for his reply.

"OK, you can go,"

Then she turned back and started walking towards the stairs. While she was climbing the stairs, a thought kept coming to her mind again and again.

"Marilyn! Why do I feel like I know her? Maybe I'm starting to regain memories from before I was 8 years old," She reached her room and left the door open.

She quickly stepped towards the bed and sat on it. Then she opens the diary to read.

To be continued............

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Have a wonderful day ❣️

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